Hiya...I am going to be leading a home group...about five couples...in October. Have been torn on what our topic of study is going to be. Right now I am leaning towards Tozer's "Knowledge of the Holy". I could use some of y'alls help. Its a tough book to read for a generation bred on Lucado, Warren and Eldredge. (not diminishing these men...they are just easy to read). The Home Group is going to be discussion based and really, all I am gonna do is ask pointed questions to spawn discussion. What I need help with is coming up with those questions. Would anyone be interested in working together to compile study and discussion questions, chapter by chapter, for this book?
Just to clarify. I am looking for questions to help make people think and to spawn discussion. Am not looking for questions with a specific answer. ie...(very loose examples)Looking for: Tozer states that having the wrong, non-Biblical image of God is idolatry. Have you found this true of yourself? If so how has this impacted your spiritual life? Not Looking for: What did Tozer state was idolatry? Answer: The wrong image of God.
Hi Conqueror,Applaud your efforts here. This is [i]the[/i] book that turned everything upside down, make that right side up for me.Think you are off to a great start and always enjoy re-reading this, it is a very necessary thing to go back and reflect on. Wouldn't commit completely to a full fledged effort at this juncture, but hopefully will add what I can for your consideration and pray that others will do likewise.Watch this space.
_________________Mike Balog