[img]https://www.sermonindex.net/images/forum/2004/may/featured_news.gif[/img]During his 2:25 p.m. ET Hurricane Katrina update, President Bush declared September 16, 2005 to be a National Day of Prayer and Remembrance.In his remarks President Bush said:Throughout our history in times of testing, Americans have come together in prayer to heal and ask for strength for the tasks ahead. So I've declared Friday, September the 16th, as a National Day of Prayer and Remembrance. I ask that we pray -- as Americans have always prayed in times of trial -- with confidence in His purpose, with hope for a brighter future, and with the humility to ask God to keep us strong so that we can better serve our brothers and sisters in need.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
tremendous :-)
I know the youth in my area will be praying on Sept.21st due to its See You At The Pole, once a year event where everyone comes together to pray concerning the year ahead. (I wish it were longer, and there is a '40 day challenge' afterwards but so few know about it.Cool
"It has often been said that prayer is the greatest force in the universe. This is no exaggeration. It will bear constant repetition. In this atomic age when forces are being released that stagger the thought and imagination of man, it is well to remember that prayer transcends all other forces."-F. J. HuegelMay the power of prayer turn the nation of America back to God, Pray Christians!