There are many ways to explain repentance. Here is one.
All sin is a perversion of gifts from God. Having sex before marriage is like stealing money from your father's wallet that he was going to give you anyway. God created sex, and gave it to man as a gift. Having sex before or outside of marriage is stealing a gift God already set out for us. We just took the wrapped-up gift the night before the party.
This and other rebellion against God's rules (explained ten different ways in Exodus 20) is so foul to Him, that he was willing to be given capital punishment, after being tortured to the point where He was unrecognizable, to cover the debt of sin:
Psalm 52:14 "..his visage was so marred more than any man.."
So, sin can be measured of how disgusting it is to God, by what He went through to pay for it.
So if sin is so foul to God, that He gave Himself up to be falsely tried, mocked, beaten, spit on, have His beard plucked out, His body flogged, His hands and feet pierced and used to support His body weight on the cross, and set in the sun to slowly pass into death, how could He want us to live in the sins that He did all this to pay for.
We must not only put our faith in his paying for sin, but we must depart from it. If sin was so foul for Him to do what He did, how can we continue in it?
A man that recognizes his sin, will want a Saviour to pay for it, and will be disgusted enough with his own sins to turn his back on them. No repentance, no salvation. Christ says that a believer will have a new birth, and be a new creation. If that person is still the same person, they were never saved.
A man still living in his sin either doesn't understand His state before God, or doesn't feel the need to do anything about it. A man must know he is going to hell because of sin. If he bows to Christ for this reason, and realizes God's holiness, wisdom, justice, and wisdom, he will depart from iniquity.
What did Jesus tell the woman at the well? "go, and sin no more"
If one truly believes that God came to earth in the flesh for one reason, to save us from sin...
1 Tim 1:15 "..Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.."
...then how can that same person, who claims to put their faith in Christ, continue in sin, thus trampling Christ's blood under foot.
Matt 1:21b "and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins."
Not 'in their sins', not 'because of their sins', but "from their sins".
Truthfully, lucky, all you can do is show someone their sins, and tell them their need to repent, and put their faith in Christ. We can then pray, which is an absolutely powerful thing. But remember, we are only required to be faithful, not successful. Most people will reject God, that is guaranteed. We just have to preach repentance.
Am I telling you things you already know, or is this helping? _________________ Hal Bachman