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Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 199

 RPD Continues To Trample On Christian's Rights

Richmond Police Department Continues To Trample On Christian's Rights

September 04, 2005

On Friday, September 2, A Christian was once again cited for exercising his First Amendment Rights on a public sidewalk in Richmond, Virginia.

For years the Richmond Police Department has misused its authority and abused law abiding citizens whose only crime is that they take seriously the Scriptural command to share the Gospel in the public square.

This most recent act of harassment was once again perpetrated by Officer Howard Noyse, Badge# 7630.

After two useless "investigations" into their own department, the RPD has done absolutely nothing to rein in this abusive officer.

Every time we are forced to return to court to face fabricated charges, we are vindicated.

"What is it going to take to make the RPD enforce the law upon their own? This abuse of power and harrassment has become a regular occurance and the RPD has shown no desire to act on the behalf of those who are the victims of thier rogue cops." said Dennis Green, director of Life and Liberty Ministries.

Each incident has involved RPD Officers who are on the payroll of abortion clinics located within the city. One must wonder if their is corruption at the higher levels of the RPD for this unbearable situation to go on year after year.

After being cited Mr. Fred Neal said,

"How is it that after so many years and letters, the RPD continues to ignore the voice of the poeple? You have to wonder why if it's not corruption, what can it be? At the very least it must be the love of money that would motivate them to jeopardize their own reputation and the reputation of the Department."

Mr Neal's court appearance is scheduled for Sept. 20, 2005.

Please let your voice be heard. Please write to the RPD and the Mayor to express your concerns and ask that the RPD will put a stop to the continued abuses.

Chief of Police Rodney Monroe
Richmond Police Department
200 W. Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23220

Mayor Douglas Wilder
900 E. Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23219

Related Stories
[url=][/url] News Release April 8, 2005

[url=][/url] News Release November 18, 2004

Dennis Green

 2005/9/4 22:18Profile

 Re: RPD Continues To Trample On Christian's Rights

"Count it Joy brethren..." you finish the rest. In case not know where it is, (i am sure you do know) James 1... are you sharing the matter being a joy for your heart brother/sister?

 2005/9/5 7:10

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 199


All is well with my soul and yes, we do count it all joy...


Dennis Green

 2005/9/5 10:00Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 199


Charges Dismissed
November 05, 2005

On November 4, Fred Neal had to appear in Richmond General District Court to defend himself against bogus disorderly conduct charges that were brought against him by abortion clinic employee, Officer Howard Noyes, on Sept. 20, 2005.

This Police Officer has made it his cause to harrass and cite, and arrest law abiding Christians who dare to speak out on behalf of the murdered preborn and their Messiah.

As expected the Prosecuting Attorney again asked that the charges be dismissed. Judge Cheek agreed and ordered it to be so.

We thank our Heavenly Father for another court victory and intend to press on in this battle until babies are no longer "legally" murdered by their parents.

[]Life and Liberty Ministries[/url]

Dennis Green

 2005/11/5 17:09Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA

 Re: Charges Dismissed and one gained

It would do us good to visit this site. Denny, forgive me I haven't prayed for you all as I ought.

Mike Balog

 2005/11/5 21:20Profile

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