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 What Men Have Said About Hell - Part 4

Hell and Everlasting Punishment
Part 4: What Men Have Said About Hell

LEWIS SPERRY CHAFER: "The conclusion of the matter is that God, because of His holiness, cannot save the lost unless His holy demands are met for the sinner, as they are met in the death of Christ; and to be unsaved or outside the grace of God as it is in Chirst, is to be destined to eternal retribution. God can do no more than to provide a perfect salvation, which is provided at infinite cost. When love would pay such a price that a sinner may be saved and holiness remain untarnished, it ill becomes finite men to tamper with these immutable realities. Those who resent the idea of eternal retribution are, in fact, resenting divine holiness."

F.W. CONRAD: "From the facts and arguments just presented, the conclusion is inevitable, that the testimony of the conscience of every rational and responsible being in the moral universe, on earth, in heaven, and in hell, corroborates the testimony of the perfect conscience of God, that the eternal damnation of the wicked is just."

W.E. DOWELL: "There is a day of judgement! God must and will punish sin! Man will give an account unto God, and man will pay the final penalty for his sin, summed up in the words of Revelation 20:15. 'And whosoever was no found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.' This is the second death. That is not an imaginary hell. It is a real hell. It is not imaginary fire and brimstone. It is a real fire and brimstone, and souls and bodies that cannot perish, but are capable of the greatest amount of suffering, will be plunged into hell and suffer; not for a day, nor a week, nor a month, nor year, nor a century, nor a millennuim, but for all the ceaseless ages of eternity! What a price for lost souls to pay!"

ENGLISH BAPTISTS: "... the unsanctified, which have not known God, and have no obeyed the Gospel of Jesus Christ, shall go into everlasting fire."

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2005/8/31 3:22Profile

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