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Joined: 2005/7/3
Posts: 233
Lancashire, England

 Re: Stupid Me

Any advice??

listen to this:

[url=]What Is Our Fuel: Feeling Or Faith?[/url]


 2005/8/31 6:20Profile

Joined: 2003/7/18
Posts: 6566
Reading, UK


Here's some heavenly, down-to-earth, counsel from Oswald Chambers..."In your patience possess ye your souls." Luke 21:19

When a man is born again, there is not the same robustness in his thinking or reasoning for a time as formerly. We have to make an expression of the new life, to form the mind of Christ. "Acquire your soul with patience." Many of us prefer to stay at the threshold of the Christian life instead of going on to construct a soul in accordance with the new life God has put within. We fail because we are ignorant of the way we are made, we put things down to the devil instead of our own undisciplined natures. Think what we can be when we are roused!

There are certain things we must not pray about - moods, for instance. Moods never go by praying, moods go by kicking. A mood nearly always has its seat in the physical condition, not in the moral. It is a continual effort not to listen to the moods which arise from a physical condition, never submit to them for a second. We have to take ourselves by the scruff of the neck and shake ourselves, and we will find that we can do what we said we could not. The curse with most of us is that we won't. The Christian life is one of incarnate spiritual pluck. My Utmost for His Highest; May 20

Ron Bailey

 2005/8/31 7:30Profile

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 2732


Moods never go by praying, moods go by kicking. A mood nearly always has its seat in the physical condition, not in the moral.

This is really an insightful comment. I know many who seem to wear themselves out with "tilting at windmills" so to speak, when it comes to "personal battles." It seems more vogue today then ever to regard emotional and physical discipline as moral, and even "spiritual" warfare. The moment I feel sad, I immediately look to moral failings as opposed to physical issues. Without physical discipline...our moods can never be controlled. Even personalities that simply require maturity and discipline to keep in check are mistaken for spiritual conditions.

I think it's interesting that Chambers isolated this tendency and talked about it so plainly.

Mike Compton

 2005/8/31 10:08Profile

Joined: 2005/2/16
Posts: 621
Cache Valley, Utah


Go for a walk. This helps. Get alone OUTSIDE and talk to God. Observe things as you walk, people, trees, buildings... observe the need for the gospel in man, the beauty of Creation, the blessedness of stillness. When you are feeling 'blah', go for a walk.

Don't give up, brother! It's a big change when a man gives up such central things in our society... most people choke on the change. God will take you through if you allow Him to.

[u]Read this again and again![/u]

[i]"But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith. I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
All of us who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. Only let us live up to what we have already attained.

Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you. For, as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.
Therefore, my brothers, you whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, that is how you should stand firm in the Lord, dear friends!"[/i] - [b]Philippians 3:7-Philippians 4:1[/b]

God bless, brother!

Eli Brayley

 2005/8/31 10:14Profile


Eli, that was encouraging. The scripture. I think i will, 'go for a walk' maybe for like 2 hours or something, just let my mind go and just release it all.

I used to do that but i never really 'planned' a walk, i just 'did it'.

For some reason I can't seem to focus on God in my room like i used to probly because it is now just the only time i talk to Him. *Before it used to be everywhere, Work...walking home from school (45 mins everyday)..and tons of other random times.

Everyone, thank you for your deep words. Each one nudged on my heart a little bit.

 2005/8/31 13:33

Joined: 2005/6/17
Posts: 285


listen up solider ! there is a dying world out there! you know the bible and i know you know its promises aren true.. so get up and go pray. God has given you a ministry to take care of so take care of it. its a battle and yes, we do get weary but victory is close at hand.
"from strength to strentgh go on,
wrestle and fight and pray,
tread all the powers of darkness down
and win the well fought day
still let the Spirit cry
in all his soliders,"COME"
till Christ the lord, descends
from high
and takesthe conquerors home."
--charles wesley


 2005/8/31 15:43Profile

 Re: Stupid me

still let the Spirit cry
in all his soliders,"COME"
till Christ the lord, descends
from high
and takes the conquerors home."

andres, my brother, I know the first half of the verse you posted but I've never heard the second. It is beautiful. Do you have the whole hymn somewhere? Could you be bothered to post it here, or pm me with it, or give me a link? Thanks. :-)

 2005/8/31 15:59


Thanks for some of your blunt answers and such.

I feel as if I found my own answer to my question. Only by God's timing. I tried walking and talking to God. For about half an hour. Then I talked to a youth pastor in my area, and he is really nice and down to earth. I just need to have a religious time to 'act' for God and have a religious time to 'receive' from God. He never said anything of that nature, but i'm getting a clearer mind about this all now.

I.E. Religious time to 'act' is a day outta the week were me and a group of friends would help someone, witness or just do different things for God; always being Spirit sensitive.

Religious time to 'receive' is a day(s) outta the week were i would speak with someone about whats going on in their life and their own struggles, in other words 'be friending the brethern'

The second one i believe is more key because of the fact of me not having to many friends in the past. Most of my friends have let me down in some sort of way. And i knew, deep within, that i was still 'hurting/unforgiving' about it. Not that i didn't forgive someone, but like i still had a hesistent feeling to open up and to listen and to really really be a true friend to someone.

I'm not playing the 'sympathy' card but just speaking from my heart. I hope thru reading any of this that if your like me, and have had NUMEROUS of precious people hurt you, and you don't have friends now, reach out to someone and be their friend. (Youth Pastors are great, or Leaders...anyone that maybe God might lay on your if your doing a ministry for widows then befriend someone who is working with widows...etc..etc.)

God bless.

 2005/8/31 16:34

Joined: 2005/6/17
Posts: 285


praise God brother that God has shown you light and truth. at times i have felt alone and the first thing i would do was to isolate myself and this would go on for weeks, but i learned that we need men around us who will keep us accountable , men of God who we could get advice from. thank God for you and keep letting God fight your battles. P.S. the hymn is called "Solders of Christ Arise" by charles wesely i found it on a great website called .. love always


 2005/9/1 19:23Profile

Joined: 2005/6/17
Posts: 285


1)soliders of Christ arise,
and put your armor on,
stong in the strength which God supplies
thru his eternal Son.
strong in the lord of hosts
and in his mighty power,
who in the strength of Jesus trusts,
is more than conqueror
2)stand then in his great might
with all his strength endued
but take to arm you for the fight
the panoply of God.
that having all things done
and all your conflicts passed
ye may o'ercome thru Christ alone
and stand entire at last
3) Pray without ceasing pray
(your Captain gives the word)
his summons cheerfully obey
and call upon the Lord
to God your every want
in instant prayer display
pray always, pray and never faint,
pray , without ceasing pray
4) from strength to strength go on
wrestle and fight and pray
tread all the powers of darkness down
and win the well fought day
still let the Spirit cry
in all his soldiers cry
till Christ the Lord, descends from high
and takes the conquerors home. charles wesley Soldiers of Christ, Arise


 2005/9/2 11:50Profile

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