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 What Men Have Said About Hell - Part 3

Hell and Everlasting Punishment
Part 3: What Men Have Said About Hell

JOE BOYD: "Now the physical side of this world is temporary, but Hell's fire is eternal. The rich man in the account given by Jesus was tormented in the 'flame' (Luke 16:24). The pitful part about it is that he is still in the same flame."

FRED BROWN: "Some object to the preaching of this truth [hell] on the grounds that children shouldn't hear it. It shocks them, according to some. I was shocked by it when I was seven. So shocked to learn that I was a sinner and on my way to hell, that I ran straight into the arms of Christ. God knows better than man, what to put in His Word, and all that is in the Word should be preached to all ages."

HARRY BUIS: "We have been led to a serious study of this subject [Hell] for several reasons. One is that there is no other doctrine that is clearly taught in Scripture which is so greatly denied or ignored in our modern theological world..."

JOHN CALVIN: John Calvin refers to Hell as "this gulf of perdition" and declares that "no description can equal the severity of the Diving vengeance on the reprobate, their anguish and torment are figuratively represented under corporal images; as darkness, weeping, and gnashing of teeth, unextinguishable fire, a worm incessantly gnawing the heart."

B.H. CARROLL: He warned stubborn unbelievers: "You are just as certain for Hell s if you were there today."

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2005/8/29 19:19Profile

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