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 Hell and Everlasting Punishment, Part 26: Zero Existence

Hell and Everlasting Punishment
Part 26: Zero Existence

Zero means "figuratively, the lowest point; nothinginess; nullity; a person or thing that has no importance, influence, or independent existence."

In Hell, a person will have "no importance, influence or independent existence." He will be at "the lowest point."

W.N. Tidwell has wrtten concerning, Newcomers in Hell:

"As we behold this newcomer in Hell, we wonder if he will inquire 'whence this place? what is the origin of it? Why such dark and dismal abode?'

Then the answer by some fiend, would be 'It was prepared for the devil and his angels. It is the penitentiary of the universe.' While prepared for the Devil and his angels all rebels are to be incarcerated here.

But again, I think I hear this newcomer wailing, 'I am so tired, I have had no rest since I left the earth. Please tell me where I may find some place to rest.'

But, Instead of being shown some place of rest, 10,00 fiends with hoarse, stifled voices mutter, 'There is no rest in Hell. As you gaze upon this mighty, restless throng, not one of them has had one moment's rest since thy came and hte sad part about it all is that, while the countless ages pass by, they can never find rest. This is a world of torment and pain.'

Too late, too late, to all farewell
My doom is fixed, and I am forced to tell,
As long as God and Heaven shall dwell,
My soul, my soul is lost in Hell.
-From "The voice of the Nazerene"

Although God says, "for a fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest hell" (Deuteronomy 32:22), David rejoices in God's salvation and utters these words of praise to God: "For great is thy mercy toward me; and thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest hell" (Psalm 86:13). Through repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ we can be delivered from "zero existence," "the lowest point," and go to Heaven and "be the children of the Highest" (Luke 6:35).

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2005/8/25 20:59Profile

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