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Joined: 2003/7/28
Posts: 404
Watford, UK


Stuart, I have to disagree with your last statements, I don't believe we are like a block of marble that God has to chip away at to make us into what we are now; the bible says we are a new creation.

Also I don't believe the parable you refer to signifies the field as the world, and the unregenerate as the treasure. We have no intrinsic value, and we are worthless, however because God has set His love upon as this makes us priceless. I believe the field is the gospel, Christ (i.e. salvation) is the treasure, and each person must sell all he has (i.e. give his entire life over) to get Christ.

Mark Nash

 2003/11/10 4:39Profile

Joined: 2003/10/6
Posts: 91
Tralee, Ireland


Stuart, I have to disagree with your last statements, I don't believe we are like a block of marble that God has to chip away at to make us into what we are now; the bible says we are a new creation.

I wasn't refering to the chipping away process as such. I was simply giving a very human analogy of how God may look on a fallen man. He can see the potential of the finished work of Christ. He calls those things that be not as though they were. He called Abraham the father of many nations before he had any children.


 2003/11/10 6:52Profile

Joined: 2003/10/6
Posts: 91
Tralee, Ireland



Nasher wrote:
Also I don't believe the parable you refer to signifies the field as the world, and the unregenerate as the treasure. We have no intrinsic value, and we are worthless, however because God has set His love upon as this makes us priceless. I believe the field is the gospel, Christ (i.e. salvation) is the treasure, and each person must sell all he has (i.e. give his entire life over) to get Christ.

I am not sure...
Different people have interpreted the parable in differnt ways, I can live with the gospel being hid in Christ, but Christ hid in the gospel?...
I would see the treasure not as an intrinsic value that we have, but as you have said its God's love set upon us that makes us treasure.

Nevertheless, I don't wish to be dogmatic about the interpretation of a parable,


 2003/11/10 8:33Profile

Joined: 2003/11/20
Posts: 23

 Re: God's Image or Adam's Image

As I read through each person's comments the Scripture kept coming to me from Galatians. "I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ lives in me." We are already sanctified, and yet we are still being sanctified on a daily basis. There are many mysteries that we cannot fathom, but will understand one day upon His return. After the fall, was mankind still made in the image of God? Of course, God doesn't give to take away. But He also gives us a freedom to choose to live according to God's ways or to live according to our own sinful desires. Yes, mankind is fallen but not lost unless man rejects God. My son and daughter were made in their parents' image, yet they can go out and become like the prodical son, but the fact remains that they are still made in their parents' image. That doesn't change. All 'anthropos' was/is made in the image of their creator. The Song of Solomon states that the Shulamite woman saw herself as dark (sinful) but the King saw her as lovely in spite of her many flaws. He sees us far differently than how we see ourselves as well as how we view others (Thank God). He sees the past and present, but He also sees the future.


 2003/11/21 14:53Profile

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