Poster | Thread | Watchmanonthewall Member

Joined: 2003/10/3 Posts: 2
| Laughing in The Church a Revival from Heaven or Hell | | What is all the Laughing in the Church about Today. Well the church is in a so called laughing revival ,I beleive the one who is laughing the most is Satan. muiltudes of Christians are gathering together and being caught up in a so called Spirit of laughter. This is not a time to be laughing it,s a time to be weeping and praying like we have never done before. Well we are busy laughing the devil is busy warring and destroying and as long as we are laughing his kingdom is growing and not being affected by us. from The Hellish Gospell of Prosperity is bad enough but when you add this to it you have a cup of poision that multitudes are drinking out of. These are the Last days and the Greatest and first sign was Deception. My Brothers and Sisters we need to wake up and shake ourselves and ask the ? From whose Spirit have you come from. 1John 4:1. one of the leaders said one night the more he preached on Hell the more the church laughed how can any one walking in discernment swallow this lie. There is and will never be anything funny about Hell. and those who are laughing about it are probably heading there. I don,t want to judge everybody there may be some sincere saints mixed up in this and I pray if you are one of them get out and if you are a preacher and have fallen in this Rember you will give an account on Judgment day for your mishandling of the Word of God. If Finney or Spurgeon saw this nonsense going on today they would rebuke it and have nothing to do with it. But we have reached an hour where we now will accept things that don,t even have to line up with the Scriptures. we have become like Nike if it feels Good do it. My God may a Holy Stiring come in the House of God and may the Remmnant cry out for the real touch of God. There is comming a great shaking to the U.S.A. and every thing that can be shaken will be shaken. On Sept 11 2001 I awoke that morning from the sacriest dream the Lord has ever given me . I saw the USA destroyed by a neculear attack. I saw Boston get wiped out New York and other cities in vivid detail. The dream was so lifelike when I awoke I could feel the heat of the fire . I share that because just turn on Christian TV. and you will see Another Jesus, Another Spirit and Another Gospell. It,s time for the ministers to weep between the porch and the altar and for the watchman to cry out. |
| 2003/11/4 3:30 | Profile | nobody Member

Joined: 2003/9/16 Posts: 64
| Re: Laughing in The Church a Revival from Heaven or Hell | | AMEN.
The Penecostals are headed for big trouble in the future if they don't shape it up. It is really sad that there are so many great preachers out there, but the ones with public exposure are all the heretics.
The average Christian now has a huge library of non-Biblical beliefs that they have collected and accepted from non-Biblical teachers like Copeland, Hinn, Paula White, etc. William Branham had far-reaching consequences on the Church. Remember him? He could heal and tell fortunes, etc., but everytime he opened his mouth to teach heresy spilled out. Pretty much the whole Penecostal Movement symbolized by a single man. Both have mysticism and occult mixed into their childhood.
I mostly love the AG. Their policy is that they can have a theology based on their "common" experience just so long as nobody else's experiences in the movements change their theology. They get kicked out. So they introduce you to experience-based theology only to kick you out the moment you become a heretic (your experiences are different from theirs). They have had to reject the Manifested Sons of God, the Word of Faith, Benny Hinn, and I assume probably the Vineyard and KC prophets and all that too. Funny thing is that they always start this stuff. I wish they'd clean up their own mess and quit being a big training camp for future heretics.
Penecostalism has many Christians wrapped up in it and they have often done much good, but from a Bible teaching perspective the entire movement has been one huge disaster from day one. I'd avoid it like the plague. They are so obviously the group that would be decieved by a "healing" false prophet or a "healed" Antichrist because "if it works, bless it" is the motto.
| 2003/11/4 9:20 | Profile | Chosen7Stone Member

Joined: 2003/7/21 Posts: 268 FL, USA
| Re: | | I attend a Southern Baptist church, but am deeply connected with a campus ministry at Florida State University (where I attend) that is run by Assemblies of God (AG), called [url=]Chi Alpha (XA)[/url]. It wasn't until my involvement with XA that I became more aware of the charismatic movement(s) and pentecostalism in general. God has gifted me with discernment, and I know that a vast majority of the students and staff I come in contact with at FSU's XA are head-over-heels in love with Christ and Christ alone, and that they are genuine and sincere. I met SermonIndex's very own Jason through Chi Alpha! :-P I admit that I haven't heard about this laughing movement until now, and I know that it isn't prevelant or even discussed in the local AG churches, nor in XA. Pentecostalism has been given a bad name, and it's not without reason. I know in my heart that there are sincerely Saved peoples in these pentecostal churches, AG and otherwise, who are seeking the Lord with all of their hearts and love them with all of their hearts and more. But there are those such as the above mentioned who ruin it for pentecostals and all Christians in general by giving their church/denomination, Christians, and Jesus a bad name. When I think of a movement or revival, I think first of repentance. Repentance is not a laughing matter. Repentance is the confessing of your sins which you are sincerely sorry for, and then the act of turning from your sinful ways as a result of knowing that you were wrong, being sorry for it, and as a show of obedience to God and appreciation for His undeserved forgiveness...His mercy. I do not laugh when I repent. This is not revival, this is distraction and disrespect. I laugh when I'm happy or when I find something amusing or humorous. I actually laugh a lot...I'm a pretty happy gal, if I do say so myself. But there is a time and a place, and unless your church has the pastor that opens his sermons with a joke (which I'm not too fond of...), it's neither the time nor the place. Rejoice when there is just one more to call your brother or sister! But don't fall down laughing and call it revival. If I'm going to fall down in church, it's not going to be because someone "laid hands" on me or because I'm having an uncontrollable fit of laughter, it's going to be because I am such an unworthy and wretched sinner that at that moment, anything other than lying prostrate is disrepectful to the One who should be glorified, and even that's not low enough. _________________ Mary M.
| 2003/11/4 21:50 | Profile | Jason Member

Joined: 2003/3/15 Posts: 138
| Re: | | I agree that the pentecostal/charismatic movement is in very dangerous territory; in fact, men such as David Wilkerson (who left the AG with good reason) and George Warnock have talked about how "those with the most light are judged the most severely."
The pentecostal movement is in danger because it has neglected its initial message of holiness. Granted, much of the early holiness teaching and preaching was little more than legalism rehatched. The unfortunate thing is that large parts of the charismatic movement has now embraced everything of the flesh that anyone with discernment would know to avoid.
Warnock has mentioned that Abiathar was the priest in David's Tabernacle, while Zadok was left to care for the old Mosaic Tabernacle where the ark no longer was. Yet, because Abiathar followed after a false move of God (remember that Adonijah means "my Lord is the LORD"), Zadok ultimately replaced him when Solomon's Temple was built. This is a warning to the unfaithful charismatic church; if there is no repentance, God will go to those with less light and bring them into the full light, casting out those who neglected the light they had. |
| 2003/11/6 2:13 | Profile |