What did John Wesley do when he found out that he was an "almost christian"
He's got a great sermon on it that I think everybody should read. I'm sure it's readily available on the net. Wesley suspected for quite a while in his life that he was not a real Christian, as he found no inward reality in what he did. He wrote in his journal that he went to Georgia to convert the Indians, but was actually the one in need of converting. Eventually as he listened to a reading of Luther's commentary on Galatians, he felt his heart "strangley warmed" and came to put his faith in Christ. It is interesting that perhaps some biographers and commentators on Wesley might have not been converted themselves, for reading of his extremely impressive "works" prior to his conversion, they just cannot understand how such a person was not saved.
_________________Jimmy H
[url=http://www.faith4living.com/Download/almost.pdf]The Almost Christian[/url] by John Wesley
_________________Ron Bailey
I like it because it challanges me the thing about lving faith I think I even printed it out along time ago!!IS there any place where you can get john wesley complete sermons?
_________________Dominic Shiells
thank you for that article lead, downloaded :-) printed :-) read :-) God Bless
[url=http://www.ccel.org/ccel/wesley/sermons.iii.html]Wesley Sermons[/url]
'What did John Wesley do when he found out that he was an "almost christian"'He became one.
_________________Hal Bachman
hehethis isnt quite about wesley but i just had to share it!i had a similar experience to wesley after i read his sermon "Salvation by Faith" which is (as i understand) the fist one he preached after conversion. I pretty much came to that realisation (that I wasnt saved) and freaked out. I spent 2 weeks or so freaking out about it and trying to "get everything right myself". The the Holy Spirit rocked up in a prayer meeting with some friends and taught me so much about grace. I thought I alsmost got salvation!Then i was stuck on one thing: the witness of the Spirit. I didnt have it. I had the witness of everyone else telling me i was a christian, and the head knowledge, but the Holy Spirit hadn't told me. I felt so condemned and sinful and bad and unsaved and lost and like there was no hope for me. I was totally L O S T. I questioned many theologies that I didnt really know (eg. was i destined to be saved?) etc and had no clarity.Every time I tried to ask God I would get weighed under by other voices and I couldnt figure ot what was God. I couldnt trust anything I heard in my spirit, and so couldnt know if God was speaking to me or not! What if he had told me and I didn't listen? I didnt trust the voice?Finally I was praying in desperation one night, and trying to keep myself awake to pray and ask God to save me. I felt Him say "Stop trying to get saved yourself, take my grace" I thought I had.I still didn't have the witness of the Spirit, and I just gave up then and fell asleep right where I was. I pretty much decided I coulnt do anything more (i had repented etc) and so I just stopped trying and left it to Him.An hour later I woke up and heard 2 refrences quoted in my ear. They were Romans 8:1 and Romans 8:15I didnt know them off by heart then and I went and looked them up. Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus...For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father." Could it get any clearer? I just started laughing. I was saved!!!Words cannot express my joy right now...Thankyou Jesus