Poster | Thread | brendaM Member

Joined: 2024/1/19 Posts: 304 North Eastern UK
| Re: | | brothergary
//Brenda so were you saying paul is saying singing is the spirit at Corinth was all noise no love?//
I think I answered that regarding instruments.
On love, Paul is using this opportunity I believe to show the Corinthians that they are lacking love, hence his correction to them. Not in their singing but in their whole walk which if they are in Christ, and baptised into Him,
Romans 5:5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.(KJV)
When we have been baptized by the Holy Spirit, the first proof according to Paul is this 'shedding abroad' of love for God first then for others.
//paul actually says thay were all baptized.
1 cor 12 13 For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body//
Again, IF indeed we have been baptized into the body of Christ and Paul is giving us something to check this, that is the presence of love which will affect us in every way and especially in our relationship with God. Jesus says 'he who loves me will keep my commandments'. |
| 2024/2/7 1:55 | Profile | brendaM Member

Joined: 2024/1/19 Posts: 304 North Eastern UK
| Re: | | Nigel
//Misrepresenting people is not a good thing. I would almost say it's bearing false witness if you know what they really believe and keep saying they don't believe in miracles or the supernatural anymore.//
Indeed, and God will not look kindly on such as these
//Some of the finest christians out there are cessationists. I would rather listen to a cessationist who actually preaches the gospel than a false teacher who peddles snake oil and makes people seek after miracles and signs. Give me one Paul Washer rather than a thousand Bill Johnsons.//
That is so true and is what I miss most. They really know their bibles, even if they are seen through the eyes of John Calvin. My local Pentecostal preacher repeats the same message every week, come to Jesus and be saved. Milk milk milk, and no meat even though he is a university professor.
// But the majority of people I know who speak in "tongues" only did so because of peer pressure to look spiritual.//
Yes I have been watching a video by Allen Parr who talks about this and the pressure he felt though he says he never had peace inside about doing it.
As I said in my reply to brothergary, it is love shed abroad in our hearts as first sign that we have the baptism.
Thanks for that post. It helps me in finally coming to grips with the tongues issue which I have mainly stayed away from. Clearing up what exactly what cessationists believe has made things clearer.
//Shouldaboughtahonda!// :) |
| 2024/2/7 2:07 | Profile | KervinM Member

Joined: 2019/1/15 Posts: 391 South Africa
| Re: | | Walking in the Spirit, in love and ultimately as a worthy Christian must entail no lies or pride (amongst other evils). But you seem to fall short on both these. May you find mercy in God.
Heaven is not for liers (amongst many other follies), I read. But take courage, this should be my last post regarding you until I should see a solid change in your professed Christian person. _________________ Kervin
| 2024/2/7 3:00 | Profile | murrcolr Member

Joined: 2007/4/25 Posts: 1839 Scotland, UK
| Re: | | Quote: Misrepresenting people is not a good thing.
Then why do it?
Quote: They say it's the language of angels; if so, angels must have the most limited vocabulary in the universe. Shouldaboughtahonda
Why do think that we can mock God, do we think we are more intelligent, more forward thinking, or more advanced than his Word.
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.
Quote: On the day of Pentecost no one spoke in languages people didn't understand; they spoke in known languages.
Look at what the word says:
Acts 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Why add or take away from scripture, it says they began to speak in “other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance”.
If you go down to the verse 11 “we hear them telling in our own tongues the mighty works of God”.
We hear them in our own language, but it’s the next verse that interesting and may shed some light on the subject.
Verse 13 But others mocking said, “They are filled with new wine.”
So why couldn’t they hear them in their own language, if everything is being said in different languages to different nationalities? Surely they would hear their own language as well, but it seems that some heard, other didn’t and the ones who didn’t began to mock.
The wonderous thing that happened that selectively some understood what was said while other hearts were hardened and they mocked what was going on.
Testimony Time
This violent angry man; after a weekend of violence causing hurt and pain to strangers and loved ones, prayed a simple prayer.
"God I am fed up be like this change me"
As he lay back on his bed a wind began to blow and it left his body. Then another wind came it blew into him. When the man sat up he began to speak in a new language. He asked what was that and the thought came "Tounges"
I am that man.. _________________ Colin Murray
| 2024/2/7 4:01 | Profile | murrcolr Member

Joined: 2007/4/25 Posts: 1839 Scotland, UK
| Re: What the Bible says about Miracle of Hearing | | Acts 2:6
Notice that the word "tongues" appears in verse 4, but in verse 6, the word "language" is used. Why were they not both translated the same way? The reason is that they are from two different Greek words. The one in verse 4 is the most familiar, glōssais, which means a "language" or "tongue." But the Greek word in verse 6 is dialekto, which has practically come into the English language untranslated as "dialect."
These people from all over the Roman world not only heard in their own language, but they heard the disciples in their own dialect.
God refined this explanation to ensure that we would understand that this manifestation was of languages people were familiar with but did not necessarily speak themselves. They not only recognized the language itself but even the various local dialects within the language.
The disciples, then, to whom God had given His Holy Spirit, did not speak unintelligible gibberish, but each person hearing heard each person speaking, not only in his own language but even in his own dialect!
When Jesus was on trial, Peter was identified as being Galilean because of the way he spoke. Suppose the Jews in Judea spoke Aramaic, and that Peter spoke Aramaic, which is likely. Yet, Peter from Galilee spoke it in a dialect different from the Judeans' Aramaic spoken in Jerusalem. So, that young lady in Jerusalem quickly identified Peter as a Galilean. This recognition is what Luke is referring to in Acts 2 in this awesome miracle.
The miracle was not only in the disciples' speaking. The miracle of hearing may have even been greater because it had to work in each hearer's mind so that he recognized that each disciple spoke in his own dialect.
Verses 12-13 "And they were beside themselves with amazement and were bewildered, saying, 'What can this mean?' But others made a joke of it and derisively said, 'They are simply drunk and full of sweet [intoxicating] wine.'"
While some are genuinely amazed, others mock the disciples, attributing their behavior to drunkenness. This demonstrates the diversity of responses to the work of the Holy Spirit.
Today can expect a range of reactions when sharing the truth, from genuine interest to skepticism or mockery. It's a reminder to persevere in proclaiming the Gospel regardless of the responses. _________________ Colin Murray
| 2024/2/7 4:33 | Profile | murrcolr Member

Joined: 2007/4/25 Posts: 1839 Scotland, UK
| | 2024/2/7 4:47 | Profile | KervinM Member

Joined: 2019/1/15 Posts: 391 South Africa
| Re: | | "While some are genuinely amazed, others mock the disciples, attributing their behavior to drunkenness. This demonstrates the diversity of responses to the work of the Holy Spirit."
Amen _________________ Kervin
| 2024/2/7 5:13 | Profile | murrcolr Member

Joined: 2007/4/25 Posts: 1839 Scotland, UK
| Re: | | But others were mocking and saying, “They are full of sweet wine. But Peter, taking his stand with the eleven, raised his voice and declared to them: “Men of Judea and all you who live in Jerusalem, let this be known to you and give heed to my words. “For these men are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only the third hour of the day." Acts 2:14-16
"We remember, because of Hannah’s silent prayer, Eli thought she “had been drunken." If you get Spirit-intoxicated about revival, if you get to the place where there is little relish for food, somebody is going to start jeering.
The church never does anything unless she is drunk with the Holy Ghost. At this hour, we need men drunk with the Holy Ghost.
Leonard Ravenhill _________________ Colin Murray
| 2024/2/7 5:31 | Profile | brendaM Member

Joined: 2024/1/19 Posts: 304 North Eastern UK
| Re: | | //Verse 13 But others mocking said, “They are filled with new wine.”//
The joy of the newly baptized would alone bring about that accusation so I think that it is the meaning rather than the hearing of languages. I guess the unconverted Jews would reject hearing the name of Jesus and mock. I am more being drawn away from the missionary idea. |
| 2024/2/7 5:45 | Profile | brendaM Member

Joined: 2024/1/19 Posts: 304 North Eastern UK
| Re: | |
The sound quality is bad but anyway, who is defending cessationism? Nobody here. It is a straw man and dishonest as has been described. They do not deny the gifts just the signs. I am glad to have better clarity about that. As a cessationsist I used to pray for healing etc.
It is another throw out the baby. It is the sign gifts that differ. I am hoping to find more teaching on the sign of tongues for the unbeliever today.
How would you interpret that Colin if the reaction at Pentecost was mocking?
//The disciples, then, to whom God had given His Holy Spirit, did not speak unintelligible gibberish, but each person hearing heard each person speaking, not only in his own language but even in his own dialect!//
Nobody disputes the Acts 2 tongues as languages. |
| 2024/2/7 5:51 | Profile |