Poster | Thread | brendaM Member

Joined: 2024/1/19 Posts: 304 North Eastern UK
| Re: | | My testimony is, that I came to the Lord at age 23 after an atheist upbringing and was blown out of the water, to know the truth that there was a God and that Jesus Christ died for me. I was walking in the clouds for 3 weeks.
However, when I came down to earth, despite all of my struggles to be the sort of believer I saw in the NT, I could not. On Sundays I felt close to Him, but Mondays always came and it was down to earth again.
I was told by pastors and churches to just try harder and have more faith but I failed utterly. Part of my struggle was because of an abusive childhood, but the main part was because I had not received the revelation that Christ had done it all on the cross and we can do nothing.
So on I struggled and then I found some books on holiness : Oswald Chambers, Watchman Nee, Jessie Penn-Lewis, George Fox and others and began to have hope. I saw that another work of God was necessary. I devoured these books and began to pray for the second blessing.
Then just when it was unbearable, and I was crying oh wretched woman, one day, 17 years later it happened and I spent three days not really in this world as God poured out His love on me taught me from scripture, opening seals so that I could see from beginning and end it was all about holiness and the union with Him. the Holy Spirit cannot abide where there is sin.
I have gladly suffered great hostility from believers for having gained this revelation from Him and learning how to walk in the light as He is in the light, and the lonely walk of entire sanctification. |
| 2024/2/4 10:57 | Profile | ESchaible Member

Joined: 2023/6/24 Posts: 548
| Re: | | "Satan does not tempt saints to tell lies, or to steal or drink, he does not come to them in that way; he comes along the line of their experiences, he seeks to separate Christian experience from the Lord Jesus and make us want to hug a certain type of experience for ourselves" -Oswald Chambers
" is this that gives the devil his chance to come as an angel of light and make us seek experiences instead of Christ. Do we lift up Jesus, or are we busy carefully defining our religious experiences, having this measuring-rod for the Almighty and that measuring-rod for the saints, which if they do not come up to they are wrong? There is always a danger of doing this so long as we walk by convictions." -Oswald Chambers
| 2024/2/4 11:48 | Profile | murrcolr Member

Joined: 2007/4/25 Posts: 1839 Scotland, UK
| Re: | | Quote: the Holy Spirit cannot abide where there is sin.
If you were to ask me "where is Jesus in your life" I would reply he is in my heart.
I have God's Spirit within me, I know I am a child of God, his Spirit has joined with my Spirit, I have Union with God.
Something I have not noticed while reading through the Holiness books, there is a mystical edge to some of the writings. When I delve into that I find them speaking about purgative, unitive and union with god.
Personally, I kick it away and have nothing to with it, even within the Charismatic movement, I can see a group of people who practice the same as these Mystic's.
They seek Union with God, the very thing that I got through faith when I was Born Again.
Now I do believe that there is a deeper walk for the Born Again, Spirit filled Christian but that will come by faith, not by any ascetic practice on my part so that I may boast.
Quote: I have gladly suffered great hostility from believers for having gained this revelation
Please understand that what I am about to write is not to hurt you, but to help. Some of the stuff you come out with is nonsense and is deeply troubling.
I hope you find your way to Union with God but let it be by faith and not in any religious ascetic practice. _________________ Colin Murray
| 2024/2/5 3:59 | Profile | brendaM Member

Joined: 2024/1/19 Posts: 304 North Eastern UK
| Re: | | The whole teaching on the subject throughout church history is a total mess. It is surely expected when the devil wishes it to be so for teachers on 'the higher life' or how to be closer to God, go deeper etc.
It is there in scripture, that Paul tells believers to 'go on to perfection'. I have posted something I wrote a while back dealing with the subject CASTING OFF THE BODY OF SIN.
It is just what sanctification is about, is found in scripture where Paul wishes us to be wholly sanctified and taught by the early church. That teaching has been messed up though but explains the process exactly as found in scripture:
1) Purification. This is where the Holy Spirit works in man to show him that a further work is needed. As you showed in the quotation from Duncan Campbell, there is a longing inside for a pure heart and man finding the inability of keeping God's laws as he wishes. My testimony posted shows the same experience.
2) Enlightenment or Illumination. The man finds the teaching on how to get into this higher life and believes it seeking for it.
3) Union. Not the same as the first coming to Christ, but where the work is fulfilled in an instant.
Of course mystics and other oriental religions mixed this up with their philosophies but the truth was at the root. They add their own aesthetic practices. By the way, early monastery life was mainly due to persecutions. |
| 2024/2/5 5:34 | Profile | CofG Member

Joined: 2017/2/12 Posts: 964 Cambodia
| Re: | | If you guys would define "perfection" right it would end all this silly speculation and the vanity of what sounds like gnosticism. Perfection, Biblically, is when the "corruptible" becomes "incorruptible". Brenda, I say this as merely a matter of fact and by your own admission, you nor anyone else this side of resurrection is incorruptible. God's gift in Jesus is not sinless perfection. It is an incorruptible spirit, soul and body and this is the glory to be revealed in the sons of God when everything that was subject to corruptibility, possible corruption, and actual corruption, including all creation,,,,the earth, angels, and man, is no longer corruptible and not merely uncorrupted. Anything that can fall the first time or again is by definition "corruptible". I hope this ends the silliness. Adam was born, even before the fall, corruptible and became corrupted and all those born through him likewise. Jesus was born uncorrupted through Mary but was as a man corruptible (temptable) into falling yet as a man by the Spirit He overcame and was raised forever incorruptible and His seed now is in us, incorruptible, growing to perfection only fully achieved at incorruptible resurrection. That's all Bible and not the musings of men nor the creation of truth by experience nor the interpretation of it through one's experience and for certain the unreliable and fallible personal perceptions of truth by experience. Look at Romans 8 and 1 Corinthians 15 and the beauty of God's plan of incorruptibility leading to immortality. I didn't even have to read ECF writings, the writings of other men, nor be taught some higher learning that goes beyond what is written.
The great news is that this whole idea of entire sanctification doesn't go beyond what is written, it falls far far short of it. _________________ Robert
| 2024/2/5 6:40 | Profile | Lysa Member

Joined: 2008/10/25 Posts: 3699 East TN for now!
| Re: | | Quote:
by BrendaM I have gladly suffered great hostility from believers for having gained this revelation from Him and learning how to walk in the light as He is in the light, and the lonely walk of entire sanctification.
Brenda, if I am remembering correctly, isn't this the very topic of why you were expelled from sermonindex a few years back? Also because of the arguing over entire sanctification. Am I remembering incorrectly? _________________ Lisa
| 2024/2/5 12:02 | Profile |