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Joined: 2006/11/26
Posts: 5185

 Consciousness of God

“Christianity has a secret, bless God, the secret of divine power, the secret that makes it different from other known religions. It is the secret of the consciousness that it contains, and the consciousness that Christianity contains is due to the fact that the Spirit of the triumphant Son of God, who had entered into death, who had experienced resurrection and thereby power over death, who had ascended in triumph to the right hand of God and sat down a victor, was poured forth upon the world. He poured forth His own living Spirit, containing that consciousness. Consequently, when the Spirit of Christ came upon the disciples on the day of Pentecost, it produced in them, of necessity, that which was in the mind of Christ, the same consciousness of power and victory and dominion and Christlikeness that was common to the nature of Jesus Himself as He sat down in triumph at God’s right hand.“

John G. Lake


 2024/1/23 12:56Profile

Joined: 2019/1/15
Posts: 391
South Africa

 Re: Consciousness of God

L.Ravenhill said he was in one Church one day. I think he said the Church had a huge cross placed somewhere inside. And he said to one of the folks there (essentially): "You know a cross is not a symbol of Christianity, power is."

While we should ever love the cross symbol, the said power is brought about by the Holy Spirit of God - precisely at baptism of the Holy Spirit. About which Paul once asked a group of 12 new converts at Ephesus: "Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?"

Oh that God would not let those without it to rest content until they are thus 'endued with power'.


 2024/1/23 23:20Profile

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