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Joined: 2016/3/9
Posts: 312

 A Wilderness Call of Repentance

“The voice of one calling out in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, Make His paths straight!” (Matt 3:3)

"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!" (Matt 3:2)

Do you hear the cry coming from the wilderness. From people with no schooling, no pastoral education, no qualifications from within a church. Just simple factory workers, and such. What is God's plan to use such lowly vessels to call out to you? What is the message they are bringing forth to the world at this time? Let's take a closer look, and as we walk closer, we hear one. In jogging pants and a hoodie.

Repent of your sins! Bring yourself to Christ in real inward repentance concerning your sins. Let Him sort you out now before a coming day where He will have to sort you into the Lake of Fire! He died for our sins. God the Father sacrificed Jesus of Nazareth for our transgressions, as Christ died on that old cross, "He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit" (John 19:30) and afterwards on the third day God resurrected Him! (1 Cor 15:4) He was resurrected after taking the very penalty for our sins unto Himself! Though He was never a thief He died as one. Though He never committed adultery, He died as one. Though He never committed homosexuality, He died as one. Though He never divorced a spouse, He died as though He had! Though He never sinned, He died as the greatest sinner ever to live! For our sins were put on the pure and Holy Lamb of God, Christ Jesus! (2 Cor 5:21)

The voice of those crying from the wilderness, used by the Holy Spirit pierces inwardly the hearts of sinners, and saints alike, saints who have fell asleep at their post, or Christians who do not know Jesus, being devoid of His Holy Spirit! We who are abiding in Christ simultaneously cry out for Christians to repent and get right with God the Father through Christ Jesus. While at the same time we cry out for lost sinners to come to Christ in repentance as well! Love compels us forward! His divine love pouring through us for you! (Gal 5:22-23)

No one will have eternal life; nor enter the Kingdom of Heaven who practices sin! (1 John 3:9) “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor those habitually drunk, nor verbal abusers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.” (1 Cor 6:8-10) This isn’t just a message to the world, but to the churches as well! A message of hope and repentance springing forth from the very Word of God.

“…for the cowardly, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and sexually immoral persons, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” (Rev 21:8) Your sins will find you out. Your closet will be opened by Almighty God, nothing escapes His grasp! He sees everything and everyone, day in and day out. He knows the real you. He is the Great Judge that knows everything hidden within our hearts and within our minds and He demands true repentance and for you to go to His only begotten Son to be took care of. To be inwardly changed from your sin, from yourself through the water, the blood of Christ, and the Spirit of God. (John 3)

The only cure for your sins is Christ Jesus through inward repentance! No one will be able to help you on that soon coming day! Even earth and the heavens are going to flee away from His presence on that day, (Rev 20:11) and you are not greater than they, are you? It’s certain doom to not go to Him now and repent, crying out to Him, trusting in Christ to save you from yourself, from the sinful mess you've created and chained yourself to! Those who make a practice out of sin will not be permitted to fellowship with God for all eternities. What fellowship does light have with darkness? (2 Cor 6:14) Your place instead will be where great anguish covers all within its grasp. Where pain is undeniable, and thick darkness covers even the flames. (Rev 20:15)

Flee your sins repenting of them as you give yourself over to Christ to release you from them, and cleanse you inwardly, changing you outwardly, and putting His Holy Spirit within you so you will be carful to obey Him! You must be born again through Jesus! (John 3) This is the only way! (John 14:6) Only Christ is sufficient to rid you of your sin sickness! (John 10:10) Only Christ can take away your evil heart and replace it with a clean one. (Ezekiel 36:26) Only Christ can put within you a new spirit. (Ezekiel 36:26) Be saved from this wicked generation and flee sin! (Acts 2:40) Run to Christ! No matter if you claim to know Christ or not if your practicing sin, do not be deceived you are on your way to damnation! While God allows you to still have breath repent and through faith believe on Christ and His finished work on that old cross! One day your breath will be gone, in the blink of an eye before you realize it, your oxygen will be depleted, and it will be too late. Everything will be cemented concerning you for all eternities to come!

Let conviction have its way with you! Feel your guiltiness through the compassion of the Holy Spirit to allow you to know it. Then move yourself with that heavy weight of your sins to Christ in repentance for all your sinful acts. He alone is the way, the truth, and the life. (John 14:6) He alone offers new life, and an inwardly changed direction, God-ward, and remember I'm just a messenger. It is He you have to deal with either now, or later. Personally, I desire it be now you meet Him through inward repentance and faith that will change you inwardly, instead of later for your own sake dear friend.

Billy Witt

 2024/1/8 13:01Profile

Joined: 2024/1/15
Posts: 1

 Re: A Wilderness Call of Repentance

I appreciate your boldness and love for the lost and the lukewarm. I agree with you that we need to hear the voice of God calling us out of the wilderness of sin and into His marvelous light. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who died for my sins and rose again. I want to follow Him and obey Him with all my heart.

However, I confess that I struggle with some sins that keep me from experiencing the fullness of His grace and peace. I know that He has forgiven me, but I still feel guilty and ashamed. I also face many temptations and trials that test my faith and loyalty. Sometimes I feel weak and discouraged. I need His help and strength to overcome and grow.

Please pray for me that I may have a true repentance that leads to a lasting change. Please also share with me some practical steps and resources that can help me in my walk with the Lord. How can I study His Word, pray, worship, and fellowship with other believers? How can I serve Him and share His gospel with others? How can I resist the devil and flee from sin?

Thank you for your time and attention. I look forward to hearing from you and learning more from you. May God bless you and use you for His glory. Amen.

 2024/1/15 23:41Profile

Joined: 2016/3/9
Posts: 312


In response, if you have not, get alone with God with paper and a pen or pencil and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal all your sins to you that you need to confess! Write each one down as He reveals them to you! Do not rush, listen to Him. Then repent of each sin one by one to God our Father through our precious Savoir Jesus Christ, through what He did on that cross for our sins, because He took them all on to Himself. After you repent of each one He reveals to you, throw the paper away, or set it to fire! 1 John 1:9 If He leads you too apologize to anyone, or give something back you might had taken, do whatever He directs you to do! Yes, it is a bit humbling! Note though that this is a great opportunity to witness to them about how our precious Savoir changed your life! I know it is intimidating, I remember the first few calls and letter fondly. However, He will help you! Then simply ask our Heavenly Father to fill you with His Holy Spirit. We walk this new life through Him alone. I will certainly keep you in prayer and pointing you closer to our Savoir Jesus Christ after you complete this. After doing these steps I believe you will have a desire to read His Word and be in prayer! My email is [email protected] We must be emptied of our sins before we can be filled with His Spirit's empowering to lead a Holy life precious friend. I will be in prayer for you!

Billy Witt

 2024/1/16 0:19Profile

Joined: 2016/3/9
Posts: 312


Brother after you finish the above steps. Then you should have a desire to get into our Lords Word from His Holy Spirit. Perhaps start in the Gospel of John. Spend time talking/praying to God our Father through Christ as you slowly read through the chapters. Now it is only through our Lord's Word that you will be able to defeat the thoughts being put within your head by our spiritual enemies. Practice holding "every thought captive to the obedience of Christ,"(2 Cor 10:5) At first it seems rather odd, but in time you will see results. It is by thoughts our spiritual foes strike us the hardest, lust, back biting, gossip, slander, and many other sins have their start as a thought brought into our mind! We must grab such thoughts as they enter into our minds and throw them away! Treat such thoughts that go against God's Word like poison! Because in truth that is what they are. Don't chew on them. By practicing this you will become stronger in Christ through the Holy Spirit and stronger against our enemy's main method of hindering our growth in Christ. As we mature in Christ, we will more and more through the Holy Spirit be able to distinguish between Good and evil and toss evil thoughts away from us with the Spirit's Help. Practice, practice, practice, or repetition, and you will be able to wield the sword of the Spirit to effectiveness against our mutual spiritual foes who love to tell lies and encourage us into sin deceptively having us think the thoughts are our own! Remember our victory is in Christ Jesus, learn His Word through the Spirit and learn how-to walk-in step with His Holy Spirit. Praying for you!

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." (Romans 12:2)

“Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” (Colossians 3:2)

“For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace." (Romans 8:6)

Billy Witt

 2024/1/16 16:23Profile

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