Good afternoon/Good morning sisters and brothers in Christ.I have never joined any forums or speak with many people so all of this is new to me.The reason I have joined is because of my love for the Lord's family(every one of you that calls on his name)My walk with the Lord has been one of struggle,by that I mean that I stumble my way to the Lord.At the time of my salvation the state of my church was a bit...stale for lack of better words.This in turn caused me to grow alone in Christ and all this occurred during high school(I am 20)so my belief in Christ also in turn made me separate from my friends.They wanted to speak of worldly topics but my mind was filled with longing for our Lord.All this to say I grew alone in my faith and I encouraged myself in the Lord.I am not blaming anyone or accusing anyone of anything but as a matter of fact if I were not alone I might have not learned to rely on the Lord as much as I do today.I am not perfect by any means,I believe myself to be only a vile man shown incredible love. I have observed the church and the body of believers and I have grown to love them with a deep love.My desire is to encourage you all,to be unified with you all and to edify you all.On this side of eternity we will not be perfectly one but I hope for when the Lord comes for then we will be perfectly one.For now I encourage all of you,whatever you do be sure to keep the unity. It'll be difficult for sure but strive for unity for by our love the world will glorify God when they see his love among us.Thank you for reading.
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_________________Dominic Shiells