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SermonIndex - Promoting Revival to this Generation
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Joined: 2011/6/15
Posts: 562


I believe God cares about the words we use - for words shape our thoughts, and thus shape our emotions and behaviour.

Words are important - their definitions may be clear or fuzzy; sometimes they may also carry hidden assumptions within them. Part of being a good Berean is to examine and question these hidden assumptions (as well as the hidden concepts they entail) through careful study of the Word.

And should we discover that a word carries with it some critical assumptions which are wrong, maybe we should stop using it altogether and adopt a more biblical word instead.

 2023/12/1 8:24Profile

Joined: 2011/10/23
Posts: 2556


There's really no problem brother unless you believe that there is one.

It's just using Old testament types as we see the apostles and other writers of the New testament used types and teach us what a type means.

Backslidden could mean something like being lukewarm or being in sin and that's a type of what Israel was when they were backslidden as described in the Old testament. I don't think it's a good idea to get all religious and create rules about what words we should use you're just creating laws that are not there or rules that are not stipulated.

If someone wants to use Old testament vernacular and figures of speech or types and shadows to explain a new covenant reality that's very much in line with how the apostles taught truths.

We see the principal being used with the word anointing and the Old testament and we see how that shadow has a reality in the new covenant.

The words and concept used in the Old testament for revived or revive, is used in the new testament with the word called quickened which carries the same meaning and is used in different contexts and Can be interchangeable with that word.

Brother we may not be under the old covenant anymore but the apostles in the early church had one Bible as we do today and the Old testament was the Bible and our new testament is not a second book but it has always been called scripture even Peter considered Paul's letters as scripture.

The term back sliding would be in referenced to the children of Israel under the old covenant having sinned against God and quenched the holy spirit to the extent that they disobeyed the prophets and the law, that applies to the Christian church today or congregations that have quenched the holy spirit and disobeyed the gospel and have back slidden in the same way. Revival really applies in the same manner being brought back into a relationship with god where the holy spirit is flowing and all the spiritual blessings of joy and peace that comes with the outpouring of the spirit are experienced again in the church and on a personal level we see that type in shadow mentioned in the scriptures that I've shared with you so they most definitely apply to us.

We see in the book of acts the tabernacle of David one might say well how would that apply to us today that's all Old testament, but we see James in the book of acts teach what the reality under the new covenant is , and he connected that with the outpouring of the holy spirit and particularly when it was poured out upon the gentiles he said there look the tabernacle has been rebuilt and that was a fulfillment of a prophecy, we see a clear type and shadow the Old testament is full of these glorious truths and typologies.

Brother resist the temptation to create laws and rules that are not written and then bring yourself under some type of rule that man has created and say that this is how it must be because you bring yourself under the traditions of men and in doing so you can nullify the word of God or limit how God wants to reveal himself in the scripture.

Allow God to reveal and speak from his word through more than just a plain literal reading. 🙏✝️🕎

 2023/12/1 9:17Profile

Joined: 2023/6/24
Posts: 548


Amen Yuehan.

 2023/12/1 10:33Profile

Joined: 2006/11/26
Posts: 5185


Everyone that has experienced revival from the days of Great Awakenings to present didn’t have any problem with calling an outpouring of the Spirt, a move of God a revival. Only those that believe that revival is not a biblical term have a problem with that word. You can’t be more biblical, because revival means to bring to life again to restore to life.

Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God.” (Revelation 3:2)

You can’t get any plainer than that. The church at Sardis was ready to die. It needed to be revived. There are churches all over the place that are ready to die. They need to be revived. There are Christians that are close to dying. They need to be revived they have life, but they have very little of that life.
They are not abiding in the vine, and are very close to being cut off. They need to be revived.

Leonard Ravenhill didn’t have a problem calling a move of God, an outpouring the Spirit a revival. Charles Finney didn’t have a problem calling a move of the Holy Spirit, a revival.

If God does not save men by truth, he certainly will not save them by lies. And if the old gospel is not competent to work a revival, then we will do without the revival.
Charles Spurgeon

“I continue to dream and pray about a revival of holiness in our day that moves forth in mission and creates authentic community in which each person can be unleashed through the empowerment of the Spirit to fulfill God's creational intentions.“
John Wesley

Have you noticed how much praying for revival has been going on of late - and how little revival has resulted? I believe the problem is that we have been trying to substitute praying for obeying, and it simply will not work.

Aiden Wilson Tozer

We love to sing the song amazing Grace. You won’t find amazing Grace in the Bible, but Grace certainly is amazing. So amazing, although not found in the Bible is one accurate description of grace.

Please define to us the SermonIndex motto statement?
Answer. This phrase 'Promoting Genuine Biblical Revival' was adopted early on as a motto statement. Any proper desire for revival points back to the very person of Jesus Christ. The experience of Biblical revival leads to true worship of Jesus Christ and nothing subsequently. Revival also will always be verifiable Biblically and even historically.


 2023/12/1 12:52Profile

Joined: 2023/6/24
Posts: 548


Strange lately how God has not let me escape noticing the prevalence of appeals to men, emotion, subjective experience, cliche and religion. So much of it in our day, and the tragedy is it seems to hold the same, if not more weight and authority than scripture.

The Lord has brought me much peace in pursuing the complete and total obedience and dependance on scripture, the clear teachings of Jesus, and putting off the world (not the sin of it, but the trappings of religion and cliches). It's astounding how much of even my belief was based in cliche, and religious, man made jargon.

 2023/12/1 13:21Profile

Joined: 2023/6/24
Posts: 548


Double post, internet issues due to a snow storm.

 2023/12/1 13:21Profile

Joined: 2020/2/12
Posts: 393


The Bible predicts a great apostasy
"The Great Apostasy refers to a significant falling away from the Christian faith. This isn’t a rebellion against the government by unbelievers, this is a rebellion against Christian belief and practice, by previously believing and associating people. This appears to be the near consensus of most reformed and evangelical scholars." (Gospel Coalition)

You can't "revive" those who have fallen away. What we would need is "Repentance".
And "faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ." (Rom 10:17 NLT)


 2023/12/2 6:01Profile

Joined: 2009/4/5
Posts: 2256
Joplin, Missouri


Strange lately how God has not let me escape noticing the prevalence of appeals to men, emotion, subjective experience, cliche and religion. So much of it in our day, and the tragedy is it seems to hold the same, if not more weight and authority than scripture.

This is, in effect, the reason I posted the original question.

John tells us in his letter the purpose of Jesus performing the great miracles that he performed. "30 Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; 31 but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name."

The miracles of Jesus did were recorded so we would say, "Yes, He is the Messaih, the Son of God that was foretold by all of the law and prophets." And in believing in Him, by grace through faith, we will be given life. The Holy Spirit in the new covenant is the revival that the Old Testament people so often needed.

Paul tells us, "And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins;" So I have already been quickened, made alive, in Him.

Hence the issue. What is revival and where did the term originate? I think there are probably as many different personal definitions of the word as there are groups of believers. We cannot just hear a person say "revival" and say "AMEN!" What, exactly, are we saying amen to?

Is it that men and women would seek God more diligently and grow in the Lord?

Is it that we would see some kind of great awakening with signs and wonders performed at the hands of a set of super saints that are the end-time manifest sons of God?

Is it that we would "disciple nations" until the seven spheres of society are rules by the government of the body of Christ and Jesus can now return to rule a kingdom we have prepared for Him??

The last two are obviously very false teachings, however it does bring up a point. We talk about revival, but we have already been made alive. So what are we, in actuality, talking about? It is an important question that we need to seriously consider. If we have the life of God, how can we be more alive?

Are we correct in looking to the times in the past when many people in, let's say, a particular community such as Wales were born again a revival? Or was that simply a result of people who began to pray and focus on the lost, resulting in the lost being found? We use terms like revival and awakening, but are we really using nebulous terms because everyone defines them differently.

A word with many, many definitions really has no meaning anymore.

Hence, the reason for the question. Something I am considering lately.


 2023/12/14 12:02Profile

Joined: 2006/11/26
Posts: 5185


Travis, please don’t make it more complicated than it is. The church is not what God has called her to be, and we need a revival that will awaken a sleeping church, and with that revival multitudes of sinners will be saved.

Revival begins with the Church, not the unconverted:

“Revival is not something that God does first among the unconverted, but among His people. Revival simply means New Life, and that implies that there is already Life there, but that the Life has ebbed. The unconverted do not need Revival for there is not any Life there to revive. It is the Christians who need Revival.” Roy Hession


 2023/12/14 15:19Profile

Joined: 2006/11/26
Posts: 5185


There are many that are calling revival what it is not. Revival is not emotional excitement. Neither is it a display in signs and wonders or the gifts of the Spirit. Revival is not something that is planned on a Sunday in a church where an evangelist is coming to preach, So I do see the need to know and understand what true revival really is.


 2023/12/14 15:42Profile

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