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Joined: 2022/1/31
Posts: 30


I have a doubt.Do we need to confess every lie we lied to whomever we lied?Or we only need to confess the lie only if it has caused harm to them?When do we need to confess to others?Please anyone answer this.

 2023/10/29 6:48Profile

Joined: 2023/6/26
Posts: 100

 Re: Lying

Hi dear Nav,

It is a wonderful thing to confess lies and to walk in the truth!

In my experience, the Holy Spirit is faithful to help us to know who specifically we need to confess lies to. I encourage you to ask him.

If your conscience is clear after confessing the lies to whomever you know you need to confess to, I think you will know it.

If anyone else comes to your mind as the Spirit leads, then you can follow through at that time.

We should not fear confessing lies to too many people, for there is great freedom in the truth.

May God give you much grace in these matters, that you may have a clear conscience, and walk in the truth always.



 2023/10/29 7:28Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: Lying

Hello brother,

that is a great question. In many cases when it causes direct damage or hurt to someone it is good to speak to them directly. But you must be led by the Holy Spirit.

The most important thing is to confess your sins to God as its to Him primarily you have offended and hurt. "gainst you, and you alone, have I sinned;"

Psalm 51
New Living Translation

1 Have mercy on me, O God,
because of your unfailing love.
Because of your great compassion,
blot out the stain of my sins.
2 Wash me clean from my guilt.
Purify me from my sin.
3 For I recognize my rebellion;
it haunts me day and night.
4 Against you, and you alone, have I sinned;
I have done what is evil in your sight.
You will be proved right in what you say,
and your judgment against me is just.[a]
5 For I was born a sinner—
yes, from the moment my mother conceived me.
6 But you desire honesty from the womb,[b]
teaching me wisdom even there.

7 Purify me from my sins,[c] and I will be clean;
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
8 Oh, give me back my joy again;
you have broken me—
now let me rejoice.
9 Don’t keep looking at my sins.
Remove the stain of my guilt.
10 Create in me a clean heart, O God.
Renew a loyal spirit within me.
11 Do not banish me from your presence,
and don’t take your Holy Spirit[d] from me.

12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation,
and make me willing to obey you.
13 Then I will teach your ways to rebels,
and they will return to you.
14 Forgive me for shedding blood, O God who saves;
then I will joyfully sing of your forgiveness.
15 Unseal my lips, O Lord,
that my mouth may praise you.

16 You do not desire a sacrifice, or I would offer one.
You do not want a burnt offering.
17 The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit.
You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God.
18 Look with favor on Zion and help her;
rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
19 Then you will be pleased with sacrifices offered in the right spirit—
with burnt offerings and whole burnt offerings.
Then bulls will again be sacrificed on your altar.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2023/10/29 7:29Profile

Joined: 2022/1/31
Posts: 30


I have been a lier since childhood.If someone asks me what is my marks,I would add tell more than I got.And I would tell I'm not in home even though I was in home.and similar kind of lies which didn't cause harm or any sort of damage to them.the list of lies of similar type goes on if I tell you.If you ever tell similar kind of lies,did you confess to those whom you lied?Did you ever exxagarate your marks and then later confessed it to them?So if I have lied 10000 lies and I remember 2000 lies,I should confess those 2 thousand lies?

 2023/10/30 9:11Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650


Why not just pray along these lines:

“Lord, I am a liar and you know I am a liar. Today I commit to stop lying. I have not kept an account of all my lies and I could never hope to confess to every person I may have lied to. But I am confessing to you because I have hurt you the most. Fill me with your Spirit and help me to stop lying, and please bring to mind those who I should confess to directly.”


 2023/10/30 15:03Profile

Joined: 2022/1/31
Posts: 30


Thank you.someone told If I don't confess to everyone,God won't forgive me.Thats why I'm asking.

 2023/10/31 0:07Profile

Joined: 2022/1/31
Posts: 30


Thank you.someone told If I don't confess to everyone,God won't forgive me.Thats why I'm asking.

 2023/10/31 0:07Profile

Joined: 2022/1/31
Posts: 30


Brother,what if the lie doesnot cause any damage to them?I mean if we lie about ourselves,Do we need to confess to them?

 2023/10/31 7:20Profile

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 3699
East TN for now!

 Re: George Middlebrook

Here is an awesome testimony from Revival Forum 87 by George Middlebrook, a wonderful Christian in his community and church and how God convicted him of not telling the truth in a matter. He didn't outright lie but God knew his heart in the matter and how making it right affected every area of his life.

George Middlebrook


 2023/10/31 9:10Profile

Joined: 2011/10/27
Posts: 338


Why would lying be different than any other sin? You are washed in the blood of Christ. His death cleansed you from all sin and God has forgiven you. Do not look back. If at any point the Holy Spirit prompts you to confess to someone that you lied to them, then you should follow His leading. In the meantime rest in the peace that your sin has been paid for and you are forgiven.


 2023/11/1 20:37Profile

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