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docs Member

Joined: 2006/9/16 Posts: 2753
| Re: Continued false caricatures | | /I certainly don’t agree with anything Hamas does but how can any Christian want another temple rebuilt? Jesus wanted the temple torn down and in fact saw to it./
/The only temple God wants is the body of Christ./
You probably won't like this TMK, so I apologize up front. But it's obvious you still possess a basic misunderstanding of the issue. You may say you have looked into and studied the issue but really? What I mean is, of course the temple Jesus wants is the body of Christ. That's not news or a fresh revelation just now understood. No Christian who believes the nation of Israel will be deeply involved in the events of the end-time before Jesus comes wants or desires another temple to be rebuilt. It's their understanding from prophecy that this rebuilding will be a vain attempt by still unsaved Jews to please the God of their fathers. It won't be acceptable to God and will not work. That's very far from continuing to spread the false caricature that many Christians want to see another temple built because they don't yet perceive the full implications that the body of Christ is now the spiritual temple that God occupies. You may disagree with the prophetic view that believes another physical temple will be rebuilt but it's false to say Christians will approve of it. It's just something they believe will happen. While the body of Christ remains something the temple of God. To maintain otherwise is to willingly ignore the truth of the issue by asking questions such as, "How can any Christian want another temple rebuilt?" Such questions betray the fact the fact that you still don't understand the issue or understand it and have chosen to ignore the many explanations already given.
_________________ David Winter
2023/10/8 9:53 | Profile |
TMK Member

Joined: 2012/2/8 Posts: 6650 NC, USA
| Re: | | David-
Not sure exactly what you mean but many Christian’s are actively working to help insure a temple is rebuilt and that is a fact. That’s what I was referencing. I am not suggesting most Christians want this let’s just call it a significant minority.
I understand that some folks see it in prophecy and I get that and I’m not saying it can’t or won’t happen. I just think it will be a sad day if it does. Heb. 9. _________________ Todd
2023/10/8 10:50 | Profile |
ESchaible Member

Joined: 2023/6/24 Posts: 548
| Re: | | CofG,
The purpose of God in Israels final judgment (Jacobs trouble) is partially to reveal the true church from the apostate church, just as it has throughout history. Don't be surprised when a sentimental profession of Christ is rocked by the reality of God's judgment to bring His covenanted people to utter brokenness and death, in order to further His eternal purpose of Israels final and glorious resurrection. The repentance and turning of Israel to their Messiah is in fact not only the purpose of God in these last days, but also the purpose of the Church since it's inception. Sadly, most Christians stand outside the Fathers house and decry this reality in jealous zeal, thinking they have some special standing with God because they have been with Him this whole time. They are unable to comprehend the lengths the Father is willing to go to in order to bring the prodigal home.
The issue of the Jew is the issue of the Church, and the apostate religion claiming Jesus will always boast against the Jew, and forget that to do so will reveal the truth of their profession. The Christian and Jew are not on equal terms, gentiles are grafted in for a purpose, to serve as an instrument of God in the salvation of Israel. But misguided and prophetically illiterate teachers, preachers and false prophets will conveniently forget entire portions of scripture in order to cater to the sentimentality and "feelings" of gentile believers who are just "older brothers" complaining at the centrality of the prodigal and the Fathers concern for him.
The centrality of Israel in the eternal purposes and covenants of God will always sift the church. The mystery of God is that we as gentiles have been made partakers of what belongs to Israel, and what belongs to Israel will be made manifest through judgment and final restoration, which is why the true church of Jesus must be present on earth through Jacobs trouble (the tribulation period), as it is God's instrument to demonstrate finally to the principalities and powers the manifold wisdom of God, and bring Israel, Gods covenanted people, to final and glorious resurrection.
When this happens, the wheat and tares will be made so glaringly obvious that no one, no matter what theological or eschatological view they preach and cling to, will be able to deny who belongs to Jesus and who doesn't. The wisdom of God is beyond understanding and glorious, and all things will culminate in this glorious chess game of history and all will realize and bow the knee to the glorious and all wise God, who will accomplish His purposes no matter the the opposition and denial of those same purposes by soulish and sentimental religionists.
2023/10/8 11:12 | Profile |
staff Member

Joined: 2007/2/8 Posts: 2227
| Re: | | Hi Tmk , I wasnt pointing out the obvious that God wants the body of Christ as his temple but that your analysis of what Jesus wanted regarding the physical Jewish Temple wasnt based on scripture,urs staff |
2023/10/8 13:32 | Profile |
CofG Member

Joined: 2017/2/12 Posts: 964 Cambodia
| Re: | | ESchaible,
I'm not sure how your response is a response to what I posted. Perhaps what I said led you to believe I don't believe in the return of the Jewish people ( in part ) to Jesus after the "fullness of the Gentiles" is accomplished. I do believe in that historical event. I am merely commenting that the judgement of Israel in 70 AD was by Jesus. Just as Israel was cast out of the land by Babylon and Assyria and then returned, the Jewish people were dispersed and in some sense enslaved to other nations by the Romans. God's ultimate purpose for them though, as Paul said, will be attained. Romans 9-11 is clear on these things. We are all, Jew and Gentile alike part of the one tree. We were grafted in and they as broken off branches will be brought back in upon repentance.
_________________ Robert
2023/10/8 18:05 | Profile |
ESchaible Member

Joined: 2023/6/24 Posts: 548
| Re: | | CofG,
On no, I gathered as much. I was more just adding to what you said, in agreement with you regarding the modern sentimental views of God and His dealings with Israel. Namely, the views that remove any idea of judgment in the modern age.
Also, I wanted you to know others also believe as you do, because if these times prove to be those times, we will have to stand together for the Jew, in authenticity and reality, not some Sunday mirage of hope that will, with Israel, be decimated and judged.
2023/10/8 19:21 | Profile |
CofG Member

Joined: 2017/2/12 Posts: 964 Cambodia
| Re: | | Thanks E,
Thanks the supporting Biblical words. Here’s a passage for one who doubts that Jesus would be judging the Jews for their refusal to receive Him and His people:
1 Thess 2:
14 For you, brothers and sisters, became imitators of God’s churches in Judea, which are in Christ Jesus: You suffered from your own people the same things those churches suffered from the Jews 15 who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to everyone 16 in their effort to keep us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved. In this way they always heap up their sins to the limit. The wrath of God has come upon them at last.
This was spoken and concerned judgment that even occurred prior to 70 AD. Notice it was spoken of by Paul who at the same time had anguish for his brethren in the flesh and hoped to provoke them to jealousy through his ministry to the Gentiles of salvation.
Btw, it seems entirely probable that God, among a few motives like getting the gospel to the nations, drove his people out of Jerusalem in the first years of the church. He wanted the gospel spread but it is likewise likely that He was driving them out because of the impending judgment and destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. "That generation" would see the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple that they trusted in instead of trusting in Jesus, the true temple of God. _________________ Robert
2023/10/8 20:06 | Profile |
CofG Member

Joined: 2017/2/12 Posts: 964 Cambodia
| Re: | | It may not mean much ultimately, but the IDF minister said the Hamas attack was the worst day in “Israeli history”. Sad. _________________ Robert
2023/10/9 7:06 | Profile |
ESchaible Member

Joined: 2023/6/24 Posts: 548
| Re: | | Yeah, they are calling it the Israeli states 9/11. Horrific and trying times ahead for them, and I believe the world as well.
It's been said, as goes Israel so goes the world. If anything is to trigger a worldwide conflict, this is more apt to do so then anything between Russia and Ukraine.
I don't think Netanyahu is going to let this one slide in any way shape or form. He is on record saying "Israel is going to change the middle east". Sadly, Islam will make sure it's changed to their benefit, along with the world I think.
On a side note, wouldn't be just like God to usher in the revival everyone has been asking for via the time of Jacobs trouble? Revival via persecution rather than soulish charismatic tropes. Revival through sifting and trial seems to be the only way a true revival could happen in the world we live in today anyhow.
2023/10/9 10:52 | Profile |
AbideinHim Member

Joined: 2006/11/26 Posts: 5185 Louisiana
| Re: | | So now President Biden is wanting Israel to halt its ground attack into Gaza. Netanyahu says we won’t do that, and Hamas said that if Israel goes into Gaza that they will kill the hostages.
What the Church can do is to pray! _________________ Mike
2023/10/9 13:48 | Profile |