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Joined: 2003/7/18
Posts: 6566
Reading, UK


The Quakers do church totally different than most churches.

We saw a whole family of 'Quakers' come to faith in Christ in our church some years ago. As an avid fan of all things to do with George Fox I recall a conversation with one which went something like this..

Me. What do you do in your meeting.
Him. Nothing
Me. What do you mean?
Him. We do nothing. We gather to do nothing and when we have done it we go home again, having done nothing.
Me. But your family have been Quakers for generations.
Him Yes, we have all done nothing. We grew up with Sunday as an important day because we all went to the meeting together and did nothing together, as a family.

"Nothing' is not necessarily the 'discernable presence of God'; it may be just 'nothing'.

Ron Bailey

 2005/9/8 6:36Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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