Zechariah 9
9 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.
This Word was literary fulfilled when Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey. It used to be that when kings from the east would enter a city on a donkey, it would signify that they are coming in peace; on a horse, it would signify war. Jesus came to bring peace into Jerusalem. This foal was never ridden before, yet it was tamed when Jesus rode on it. So too when a wild, rebellious, young person meets Christ, it’s the end of rebellion. When Jesus rides a person, it’s the end of irritation, slander and sin.
We can rejoice greatly, for He comes to us, and does not wait until we come to Him, as He said ‘you have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you’ (John 15:16). This causes great joy.
A certain farmer we know very well, known as ‘oom Langpiet’, had been sick a number of years ago. The docters said that he could not walk again. However, after a simple prayer, God healed him completely and kept him till today. Shortly after his healing, they pulled up all their tobacco plantations and planted vegetables. Today God blesses their farming greatly. They supply the market with truckloads of vegetables and donated tons of onions and other vegetables to the mission for the coming youth conference this week. He is blessed greatly through meeting His King who came to him.
Here we read that our King is ‘just’. He comes to the unjust with salvation to bring them justification. In Hebrews we find that it’s not that He carries salvation, but He is salvation, and He brings salvation to you when He enters you. He comes to remove the problem of every man, sin. Man’s problem is not money, acceptance, a low self-esteem, etc. but sin. He came to save from sin. Christ delivered our family from compromise and a lukewarm Christian life when He entered.
Our King is meek and lowly. Some do not find Him, for they look for Him amongst the lofty things of the world. His whole life was marked with humility and lowliness. So too, the Holy Spirit fills only those who are of a low and humble spirit. “He who is down needs fear no fall, but the lofty and proud are sure to fall”. On Judgement Day the lowliest will be presented to you and whatever you’ve done to that one you’ve done to Christ.
Has He come to you and dealt with sin? If not, cry to Him to come and deal with sin in your life. When the children cried, ‘Hosanna’, meaning ‘save us’, some urged them to keep quiet. However, when He died and they did keep silent, the rocks cried out, even as He said they would. Don’t wait for rocks to cry out, but you cry to Him today. _________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon