Poster | Thread | ESchaible Member

Joined: 2023/6/24 Posts: 548
| Re: | | "And Cain...built a city" (Genesis 4:17)
This is the first manifestation of any form of organized civilization. The depth of this statement, and it's implications are as far reaching as the fall of man. This, the first city, was built by the very one against whom Abel's blood cries out. The ground upon which this cities foundation were laid opened up to receive the blood of the victim of the cities founder. Cain gives us the first manifestation of the world system - built by the first and most infamous murderer in the history of our race.
This city is the foundation of the world system - all of which is enmity against God. It gives us an insight into the nature of the world system and also an insight into why Jesus would emphasize that hatred is murder. Cain hated Abel because his deeds were righteous, and his own were evil. This hatred runs deep in the very nature of the fallen world system - from its competitive and rivalry based mentality, clear down to the pure hatred it has for the life of God and it's manifestation in, and birth into God's people. The world cannot bear with Jesus, or the disciples of Jesus, because within them is the very seed of God, the incorruptible Son formed in them and the manifestation of it as they walk in the Spirit. The persecution of the righteous dates back to this original rivalry, and the first city on earth is the catalyst for its organized and systematized hatred.
It's a deep irony that the city was named for Enoch - one of whom we know so little. What we do know if this man is that he walked with His God, pleased Him, and then was no more. The namesake of the city was one who walked with God, and the founder of it was one who threw accusations at God of injustice and being to holy and to harsh with his justice. The city founded by a murderer was inhabited by one who walked with God, even named for him.
The usurper has taken the world and twisted it until its sole manifestation is hatred for the creator. The namesake of the city is shown forth as one taken up from it, and the ruler as no doubt it's spiritual opposite. This world cannot be reformed and made better, it's foundations are murder, and it's built upon the blood of the righteous.
In our day and age there exists movements of men claiming to work for God, while all the while seeking to repurpose the fallen world and it's murderous hatred of Jesus into something that they claim will bring glory to the very one it hates with vitriolic spite. All that is in the world, part and parcel, is hatred of God - and we are called to come out from the system and like Enoch, walk with God until we are taken from it. This world will not endure - and any investment into it is akin to placing your money into a bank that has announced its closure - there will be no security and no return, thieves will break in, moth and rust will decay, and if your heart lies in the world, it too will be burned with white heat as the new earth takes it's place.
The hope we share is the hope of the soon coming kingdom of God on earth, and it's kings second advent to resurrect the righteous dead into incorruptible eternity where the murder and hated will have no effect any longer. Any effort put into a reformation of this satanic system is to work against the will of God, and add to the groans of creation as it waits for the manifestation of the sons of God in final glory.
Walk as Enoch walked, as a pleasure to the Father and be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that one day we to can be no more, yet evermore with Jesus, the shepherd and bishop of our souls.
| 2024/2/5 20:32 | Profile | ESchaible Member

Joined: 2023/6/24 Posts: 548
| Re: | | “Look at the birds of the air” (Matthew 6:26)
"Consider the lilies of the field” (Matthew 6:28-29)
“That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat beside the sea.” (Matthew 13:1)
It's always striking to me that modern Christianity is so focused on the big thing, revivals, huge crowds, world sweeping movements, and yet Jesus issues us commands like these.
These commands are the most stringent commands our Lord could give us, especially in this purpose driven world that relishes in accomplishment and success.
I've been struck for a few months now at what the Holy Spirit quickens to me from the Bible, and transversely what He makes dead letter. These scriptures have been life to me, because they show me the character of God in ways I find just as profound as the scriptures that speak of the grandiose visions of the throne room, or those that drive men of old to the dirt in worship.
Our God is an every day God, if I can be irreverent. We see Jesus, after His resurrection, having breakfast on the shore with His forlorn and scattered disciples. We see Him sitting on the beach and being overtaken by a crowd as He no doubt beheld His Fathers glory in creation.
Our Lords yoke is the yoke of a bird watcher, and commands us to, literally, stop and smell the flowers.
It's hard to explain the reason these glimpses of Jesus, and these little spoken of commands bring me such joy, peace and comfort. Maybe it's because it shows us that Jesus too isn't worried about accomplishment and crowds, success or the amount of things we are doing for His kingdom (a kingdom that will advance with or without you and I).
Maybe it's because this shows me that Jesus communes with His disciples in the things the world would look upon as a waste of time, and a frittering away of the possibilities that each day holds.
If we are to abide in Jesus we are to obey His commandments, and what glorious commands these are. Jesus will fellowship with His followers in the watching of birds, the observation of the wind in a flower, the simple looking to Him in the glory of the creation that glorifies Him, and exists for Him.
In obedience is abiding, and in abiding is obedience, and from this we bear fruit - and the fruit that is valuable to God looks nothing like the fruit the religious systems of the world would have us measure ourselves by.
| 2024/2/14 20:00 | Profile |