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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : Salvation Working in My Family

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Joined: 2023/5/28
Posts: 6


It is hard to become a Christian, because you cant do anything that will make God save you any faster then He will. You cant change His will so all you can do is search for Him as much as you can and hope and pray that you will be saved one day.


 2023/6/10 13:26Profile

Joined: 2023/5/21
Posts: 56


I suppose we must ask then who saves whom?

Does God save or does our active seeking Him save?

Can you all answer this question simply with scripture?


 2023/6/10 13:33Profile

Joined: 2023/5/21
Posts: 56


Another thing I find fascinating, is none here have given God one ounce of glory for this miracle!

I suppose it's more important to hash over gnats than simply praise God?


 2023/6/10 13:38Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650


Greg doesn’t want Calvinism debated on this forum. It has been done ad nauseum over the years.

Just keep your Calvinism to yourself.


 2023/6/10 14:17Profile

Joined: 2023/6/24
Posts: 548



I felt to respond to your using of a quote I love, that of having faith in God and serving Him regardless of the outcome, whether heaven or hell.

To actually believe that, and not just say it is a deep work of God in the spirit of a man. It is not the sentiment of someone seeking salvation, but rather the sentiment of someone who is so grateful for what Christ has done for them, has experienced trials and chastisements, testings and crosses, known what it is to feel as if God is miles away as He withhold His presence and guidance to teach His sons faith, and ultimately has come to a place where the walk of faith is so real to them that they have seen the depths of God and His worth and never have pretense to think they know God's purposes in His dealing with the world through them.

It's a sentiment of the worth of Christ and that we have absolutely nothing to offer Him except a vessel through which to express Himself to the world, and that is enough. It sees that Christ is all, and we just branches, vessels and containers.

It's a statement of the worth of Jesus, and a sentiment expressing a desire for God Himself, and nothing from Him. It's a sentiment of motivation, and a result of the sanctifying work of Christ which results in the only concern being deeper and higher than even good and evil, but rather life and the glory of God.

I won't debate letters with you, but will offer this rebuke - if you see a Jesus that hides Himself from anyone that seeks Him to be saved, you have seen a pagan idol, an angel of light, some other god.


That is wonderful news by the way. I have prayed for your family, that all might have Christ and fellowship together. I am the only believer in my family, and it is the most sanctifying experience God can place someone in, and Jesus must have full working through us in reality and love. Have faith for their salvation brother, and it shall be done.

I will say this too, it's refreshing to read of an actual miracle that followed the plow in this section, rather than just looking for vague blessing and things from God, so thank you also for that.

 2023/9/9 22:01Profile

Joined: 2005/1/9
Posts: 1522
Germany NRW

 Re: Salvation Working in My Family

I rejoice with you, brother RandRman2023!

My daughter got saved 3 years ago, that is 1 out of 4, 3 more to go...

Lord, please continue your work in the other siblings of my brother, reveal to them their current state and the kingdom of of God. Let them see the change in those who just came in. May they all continue in prayer and not cease.

 2023/9/10 2:35Profile

Joined: 2006/8/10
Posts: 661


If you feel drawn to Jesus then believe that it is Him who is drawing you and act on it. Don't get stymied and think that even though I want to be saved, maybe I'm not one of the elect. That type of doubt will stay with you to the grave if you let it.

Revelation 22:17 “The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” Let anyone who hears this say, “Come.” Let anyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who desires drink freely from the water of life.”


 2023/9/10 9:43Profile

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