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 Day 15 (May 21) - Isaiah 62 Fast


“The LORD swore to David a sure oath from which he will not turn back: ‘One of
the sons of your body I will set on your throne. If your sons keep my covenant
and my testimonies which I shall teach them, their sons also for ever shall sit
upon your throne.’ For the LORD has chosen Zion; he has desired it for his
habitation: ‘This is my resting place for ever; here I will dwell, for I have desired
it.’” Psalm 132:11–14 RSV

God has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His habitation. God
declares that Jerusalem is His resting place forever. He will dwell
there, for He has desired it. God has a unique relationship with Jerusalem.
Zion receives more attention than any other city. God has desired to live in
Jerusalem, so much so that He will have His resting place there forever.

The Scriptures teach that God’s manifest presence is in distinctive places,
at particular times, with specific people. God was present at the crossing
of the Red Sea, at the time of the exodus, with Moses and the children of Israel. During the following year, He was no longer there; He was leading
His people in the wilderness.

Someone influenced by a Greek mindset has a hard time picturing God in
time and space because, in this worldview, the deity is an ethereal concept.
The Bible shows that God has a personality with various emotions,
desires, ways, and relationships affecting His decisions and actions.

Popular wisdom says: “Show me your house, and I will tell you who
you are!” God dwells not in a house but in a city. Jerusalem is full of His
story. It was the place of Abraham’s sacrifice and the city and throne
of David. It was the location of the temple where crowds of worshipers
gathered during the feasts. Jesus died and God resurrected Him in Jerusalem,
and it was the city where the Holy Spirit was first poured out.
In the future, among other events, Jerusalem will witness the appearing
of Jesus, the salvation of the Jewish people, and the crushing of the Antichrist’s
armies. Yes, God has a special love for Jerusalem, and He has
chosen to live there forever.


Our Father,

We bless Your holy name. We thank you for making Yourself known to us.
We love to get to know who You are, what is precious to You, what You
feel, and what You think. Thank you for revealing Your love for Jerusalem
so that we can get in alignment with Your choice. We pray for the peace
of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6). We pray for Your will to be done in this city
as it is in heaven. We pray for the worldwide Church to understand Your
heart and purposes for Jerusalem.

In the name of Jesus. Amen.


Day 15 (Day 45 of the Omer, 21 May 2023) Verse 1(b)

“And for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest…” God of Israel, You have sovereignly chosen to set Your Name YHVH -- Your very identity and divine character --in Jerusalem (1 Kings 5:5, 8:20, 29).

There You will dwell in glory, reigning over the earth. Until that day when You establish Your resting place in Jerusalem, I will not rest before You. As You urge Your people to do, I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. I ask You to reveal Yourself as Prince of Peace to the Jews, Arabs and foreigners who even now earnestly seek Your face in Jerusalem.

Captivate their hearts with the beauty of Your shalom, the fullness and wholeness of restored spirit and soul. Usher them into the peace of Your salvation. Mercifully shield the city physically from all violent assault. Guard those assigned to guard Jerusalem. I ask You to post angelic peace keepers in the streets of Jerusalem. Reveal and thwart terror attacks, planned daily by those posturing themselves against You. As nations prey for the piece of Jerusalem, do not allow their plans to divide her to succeed. I pray for my Messianic Jewish, Arab Christian and other brothers and sisters from the nations whom You have called to live or serve in Jerusalem.

Daily fill and refill them with Your Spirit; immerse them in Your boundless, intimate love; be a protection of peace about them; and equip them for fruitful ministry. Yeshua, as Jerusalem goes through shaking upon shaking before Your return, be a wall of fire around her. As the city shakes, forgive me for any unconfessed critical or otherwise wrongful attitude I have harbored toward her on account of those in governing authority in Jerusalem. Do not let my love grow cold for Your city. According to Your Word, I bless and pray for all those in authority in Jerusalem.

Maintain or raise up the authorities in Jerusalem whom You desire to govern Israel for Your end times purposes. Protect each one and grant them the gift of the fear of the Lord, for it is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom. Mercifully give them grace to turn in full surrender to You.

I acknowledge, O God, that to pray for Jerusalem’s sake is to pray for Your sake. You are the One who has placed Your Name within her. You are the One who has chosen her in infinite love. You are the One yearning to establish the rule and reign of Yeshua within her, merging heaven and earth in Jerusalem, to Your glorious delight. Thank You, Lord God, for the privilege of praying for the desires of Your heart.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2023/5/21 18:43Profile

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