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Joined: 2023/4/13
Posts: 1

 Neighbor Dog Trying to be Christian

Hi brothers and sisters.
I have a situation I really need help on. I have been praying about my new neighbors, they are a young couple and not saved.
I have been praying about them receiving Christ and I dont want to blow that opportunity.
However they have aggressive dogs in the backyard that continue to break through the fence causing great anxiety for family and friends who visit. Nobody have been bitten and they say the dogs wont bite. We have talk to them nicely for over a year now and they have tried to keep the dogs in but they keep getting out. I'm not sure what to do. I had a friend over today who has a medical condition and it really affected him. Please give me some advice on how to handle this without blowing my witness. Thanks


 2023/4/13 11:39Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650

 Re: Neighbor Dog Trying to be Christian

Have you called the dog warden?


 2023/4/13 15:02Profile

Joined: 2006/2/22
Posts: 413

 Re: Neighbor Dog Trying to be Christian

Greetings Van, your actions towards this situation will either show Jesus heart or a fleshly heart. I have had many situations in which I could have acted either way but through actions of Gods heart, I've seen these turn into opportunities to witness to people because I reacted with grace, mercy and love. people expect today negative interactions. Pray to the lord and ask him to give you wisdom on how to respond in a way that glorifies our father in heaven. People see the heart of Jesus not just by confessing but also by actions. Be blessed and don't let the situation destroy the opportunity that is presented before you.

karl rashleigh

 2023/4/24 22:05Profile

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 3699
East TN for now!

 Re: Neighbor Dog Trying to be Christian

This may not be what you want to hear but you may need to build your own dog proof-fence. That would stop any anxiety for you and visiting friends. To me, this would be the Christian approach, just put in your own fence on your property line.

I watched this one video on youtube, it has a concrete base about one foot wide with the poles in the cement. Take a look...

SWI Fence

It's beautiful, I want to put my own fence up that way. It looks very clean and cannot be dug out by dogs or critters! Maybe you should look into something like that.

Dog proof your own yard unbegrudgingly!!

God bless you in your search,


 2023/4/25 8:49Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650


We don’t know what type of dogs these are. Everyone says their dogs don’t bite until they do, often causing severe injury and even death. Are these pit bulls? Rottweilers? Other large breed of potentially dangerous dog? Of course just about any dog can bite severely but you know what I mean. I don’t trust any person who says their dogs are friendly or won’t bite. Like I said everyone says that until they bite.

A fence may protect you, but what if they are running loose and you are in your front yard?

That’s why I said to call the dog warden. Maybe a citation or two will encourage them to make sure their dogs are secured.


 2023/4/25 11:43Profile

Joined: 2016/11/15
Posts: 282

 Re: Neighbor Dog Trying to be Christian

Bro Van,
I have a Christian husband who is kind, merciful, gracious and confrontative. He is protective of his family and guests. He said that after nicely confronting the neighbors about the situation, he would not further tolerate their indifferent attitude about the danger their dogs could inflict on others. Many young people today are clueless and do need to learn basic skills in life. Often you will gain respect by being confidently and firmly loving but honest and the door may open to more depth of relationship.
If they do not respond then you have no recourse than to call city officials.


 2023/4/28 11:25Profile

Joined: 2019/1/15
Posts: 391
South Africa


It often feels like a jungle when considering the level neglect identifiable especially with the unsaved sect. Several of which neglects goes so far as endengering their very own lives (Smoking, drinking, etc.). Then are those neglects/intents that endeagers their neighbor/the next person (careless driving, etc). Unfortunately, it does not seem like there is always a smoother walk-around such. But seemingly does depend on the circumstances of each case. So yes some recourses you may need to settle for may sadly involve blowing the witness to some degree (I say to some degree because you certainly should still be able to pray for them even after becoming the best of enemies). But you may only settle for such as a last resort - after exhausting all other gentlier seeming ones (including putting up your own firmer fence if affordable as suggested). As doing so should be evedent charity before God. But yes, reporting the neglect in question to the officials (in the extreme) is very well warranted - for the safety of those in danger or peace of mind for those whose souls get vexed therewith.


 2023/5/7 11:23Profile

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