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Discussion Forum : Articles and Sermons : The Memorial of Catherine Stewart

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Joined: 2022/11/19
Posts: 46
Troy, New York, United States

 The Memorial of Catherine Stewart

My name is Jy'Quan Stewar. I am the author of The Memorial of Catherine Stewar is about the legacy of Catherine Stewart and how her life influenced her grandson Jy'Quan Stewart to leave an example of what Godliness is and why we should leave a Godly Legacy. We live in a generation where preachers and deacons claim to be men and women of God. They live and act just like the world and do not know what it means to be born again. Every born again believer is called to fight the good fight of faith and run the race. Before Catherine died she passed the baton on to Jy'Quan now he had to finish well fight for the faith.

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Jy'Quan Stewart

 2023/4/11 22:37Profile

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