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Joined: 2006/11/26
Posts: 5185

 Understanding But Not Affirming Pro- Transgender Sympathies

By Michael Brown


 2023/4/11 12:19Profile

Joined: 2006/8/10
Posts: 661

 Re: Understanding But Not Affirming Pro- Transgender Sympathies

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Rom. 5:8

I was saved during the 'Jesus Revolution' and being a lost and miserable druggie and selfish person, I was loved into the Kingdom of God. I came across a group of Christians at my high school who had something special and wonderful that I didn't have, and I wanted it too. They were full of the Holy Spirit and oozed God's love and grace. Seeing these people who were so alive and free was God's way of getting my attention. I don't even remember them using the word 'repent' and since that is a religious word, I'm not sure I would know what to do with it anyway. I have a feeling that if they had screamed, REPENT, in the loudest and angriest voice they could muster, I would not have given them the time of day. However, they made me want to walk away from the life I was living and get a new life with Jesus.

I also remember reading the Cross and the Switchblade and how David Wilkerson loved a wicked gang leader Nicky Cruz. Eventually, love won out and Nicky became born again.

I feel that revival is stirring in our midst and God is pulling at our hearts to have love and compassion for lost sinners, just like we were at one time. No place for holier than thou or Pharisaical attitudes. If you yell at sinners, let there be tears streaming down your cheeks.

Loving sinners but hating sin. Preaching the love of Christ and the need to repent. This is the challenge, to do both in a balanced way. We need to be led of the Holy Spirit. I've seen too many try to evangelize by their religious flesh. Let us be moved by love. And be content to just plant seeds. Some take repeated exposures to see them surrender to Christ.

But I know that many Christians, when they think about LGBTQ people, have such anger, disgust, aversion to everything they are and represent. I agree with Michael Brown, that I do not agree with and will not accept their ideology or activism, especially their indoctrination of children. I will oppose their agendas every chance I get. As a group, they are probably the most averse to Christianity. But God has saved some.

What I am proposing here is a radical Christianity that goes beyond what we are or can do in the natural. Loving people in spite of what they are now in the flesh. God loved me like that. I want to show that kind of love to the lost but I know it must be done in the Spirit.

And I am painfully aware that to reach the lost we need to not present a shallow gospel with a 'ticket to heaven' in view. It is critical to let people know what they are being saved to. And the important point is that God and Christ want a personal relationship with each one of us. It's not about us HAVING TO love, obey, follow, worship and devote ourselves to Christ. WE GET TO and it's grand and glorious.


 2023/4/11 19:53Profile

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