Worship from Stanford University several weeks ago lasted weeks long in interrupted prayer, praise and worship.Song choruses song during the meeting:"Your way is better Jesus.""I will make room for You, to do whatever You want to do."Students responded they would rather not be anywhere else, studying in the chapel, eating outside it. They wanted to be near God's presence being outpoured.Are we making room for God to do whatever He wants to? Does He have free reign in our Churches? Have we put God in a box? Jim Cymbala said recently: "You can’t put God in a box." That means He will not dwell with us in our own methods and plans. Is God outside your meetings?We so easily make Church normal and get used to a few songs and a message not expecting more. We have put God in an "hour" box. But you say: "we have more important things to do! We are busy this Sunday." What you are really saying is: "God you are not as precious as other things." Our time is devoted to that we love or want.We are on the cusp of a great awakening, cry out to God, wait with Him. He simply wants us to "stay".from: https://twitter.com/gregjgordon/status/1638927808087851008
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
I am not against meetings, even long ones. Waiting on God is an essential part of the christian life. Spending all day in church on Sundays is a great way to spend the Sabbath.The primary place we should experience communion with Jesus and feel His presence is in our prayer closets.I wish I lived on a mountaintop all the time. My prayer life is definitely not all it could be. But, I do experience Christ alone in prayer, and when I go to church (and the presence of God is there; if it isn't, I don't see the point) it is an extension, if you will, of what I already have.I think it's fine for people to travel, sometimes halfway around the world, to go to a meeting (if they so desire.) But, are they missing something?
_________________Nigel Holland
Have We Put God In A Box?God doesn't fit in a box - even a good boxThoughts on RevivalThe Move of God is coming - the greatest Move of God ever to come is coming, I knew in 1988 - it was coming, when he spoke and told me what he would do, I have been waiting.He is going to move in a way that he has never done before - leaders are going to struggle as this move of God explodes as he raises up his people - his end time revival will not be contained, I have said it before and will keep on saying. Pastor will struggle as God raises up the people, it may looks like it's all gone out of control.But's God it will be God moving on his people - the people will do the work of the ministry, they will heal the sick, they will cast out devils they will bring the gospel to a lost and dying nations.Pastor will have to change to accommodate what God will do.This what I heard from - you have to take this Move of God that God is giving to you to the people, you have to be people minded, people orientated - then I heard small and quite - Go for the people, then louder - Go for the people, then a loud roar - GO FOR THE PEOPLE.He loves the people and he will come and rescue them and they will be his end time victorious people.
_________________Colin Murray
Do we really want more of Christ ?Then listen to this: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6Ssahwkdzbk