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 Eye problem

Hey guys, I have been having a deteriorating eye problem as of late. My eye problem started a few years ago after scratching my eye at work and it seemed I a spirit of fear came over me in regards to it and it seems ever since my eyes have got worse. The eye doctors cleared my eyes and even said my eye pressure went down and said my eyes were good. But, I have noticed them getting worse. I did get eye glasses but it seems like their is more to the issue. In the past I always noticed a correlation with my health problems and the demonic like when I thought I was losing my memory and going paralyzed. It was really seeming to happen but as I began to seek the Lord with fasting and prayer begging him for deliverance God did deliver me and even showed me it was demonic. Here this eye problem enters and the same old thing is happening. Can you please pray for me it is very tormenting me and scary me a little. I heard voice actually tell me that I was going blind. I really don't know what to do but these spiritual or physical issues really are wearing on me. Will you pray along with me in your continuing prayers. I really was growing in my faith and now this is happening.thank you John

 2023/3/21 15:16

Joined: 2006/8/10
Posts: 661

 Re: Eye problem

Yes John, I am praying for you. And I believe that the Lord showed me that while you did have a scratched eye there at work, you have recovered, but like you said, you allowed a spirit of fear to come in and now you are struggling with suggestions of evil the enemy is feeding you. Please John, rise up and take every thought captive. Refuse and forcefully reject these evil suggestions from the enemy. If you don't resist them but instead accept and start to believe them, the evil you fear will come upon you. But I expect good things for you as you see through these flimsy attempts by the enemy to derail you. Stand strong. You don't need to fight to get the victory, you fight from a place of victory that Jesus already won for you. He who is in you is the Greater One but you need to act decisively and cast down and cast out these deceptive lies of the devil. It isn't hard but you must act and speak with your mouth the truth that rejects these lies.


 2023/3/21 15:48Profile


Thank you Daniel that is encouraging thank you so much. I definitely will. I was strongly discouraged and then I read that. Thank you Lord for Daniel

 2023/3/24 22:05

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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