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Joined: 2022/11/26
Posts: 24
United States

 To the saints at SI

with over flowing Love to all, and to my dear brother Greg, who 20 plus years had a Call to configure this precious website, it is neil g. Greg, i pray you are not cross with me in this regard, that i did not pre-email you asking for permission to rejoin the forum. Forgive me, but i felt in my heart and soul, you might be okay with this.
I come back for same reason i found this website in May 2002, i searched for the Word, "Revival"....and God led me here those many years ago.

Revival....a Heaven sent Revival.
just typing those words, i send them Heavenbound as a prayer, in Jesus Love, neil

Neil Giuntoli

 2022/11/26 10:38Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: To the saints at SI

Brother Neil,

What a wonderful surprise and blessing. yes its been 20 years since the ministry site started, its all the Lord's grace and work.

Love your heart and love for Jesus brother. So glad you choose to re-engage with the community here.

Romans 13:11, KJV: And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2022/11/26 11:17Profile

Joined: 2022/11/26
Posts: 24
United States


to be received with such love? Joy!!!

I HAD to "comeback"....or better said , re-engage with the community. Why?

i need prayer....not FOR ME, for any selfish reason, God has been so good to me. (i'll testify later)
i need prayer, because God has laid on my heart to noise about in my rural community, for a stand alone , once, or twice week intercessory prayer meeting.
May i expound?
It was you who introduced me to Duncan Campbell, and the 1949-53 revival in the Hebrides...there are 33 audio recordings of Duncan, some are recounting WHAT happened, some are his personal testimony, etc.
This ranch that God gave me, is in SW rural Wisconsin, my county is the size of Manhattan, but has 20,000 souls. Our county seat has 4300 souls.....its the kind of town/county where folks wave, or say hi. or if your truck is along the road, someone will stop and see if you need help.

We're dairy country, corn and soybeans, and per capita, we have the most organic vegetable and fruit farms in the nation. My ranch, which is paid for, (thats because i walked around in cheap sneakers for 10 years, saints, debt is slavery) sits atop a 2.5 mln year old coral reef, and my well goes down 460 feet, the water is so sweet....when you drink it? WANT to thank God! always reminds me of Jesus and the woman at the well.
There are so many churches around, many many Lutheran churches, (40% of the early pioneers up here, circa 1830-1840 were Norwegian) many United Methodist;s, and a lot of non denom churches......been to most of them, and there is a problem.
After the seminary taught 27 minute, 3 point sermon, i would introduce myself to the pastor, and ask (meekly) one question, " does the church have a stand alone prayer meeting?"


in my truck on the way home, i'd be crying....tell you why, Brother Len Ravenhill has always been one of my teachers, i remember him EXPLICITLY saying that he would never join a church that did not have a stand alone pray this i stand.

of late, God the Holy Spirit has been gripping me, Praise His Name! Since June of 2020, i have died three times, just what i said, this clay jar died...or as they say in the medical parlance, i "coded" (the real word is "code blue", but they regard that as "bad luck") and i keep asking God, "Lord, why are You keeping me here?"

Why?.....i am nothing....."klum", thats the word in Hebrew for "nothing", btw.

Like a deer panting for water, my soul thirsts, longs, for a Heaven sent Revival, because ONLY Messiah will save Greg and the saints at SI, forgive me, i know you all know that......Only Messiah Jesus will save this world, much love in Jesus Name, neil

Neil Giuntoli

 2022/11/26 12:57Profile

Joined: 2003/7/31
Posts: 2850
Phoenix, Arizona USA

 Re: Joy!!!

Welcome back Neil. I have been challenged and encouraged many times and honestly, discouraged, on rare occasion by your posts. This one is very encouraging, we will pray as you have requested. The Lord bless you.

Ron Halverson

 2022/11/26 16:25Profile

Joined: 2022/11/26
Posts: 24
United States

 God love you Ron

thank you for that honest welcome...give me an honest man any day of the week!...amen? I discourage MYSELF....(rueful smile)
Bless you for any future prayers........not to swerve off the road, a little drama down in the great State of Arizona, huh?
(you DONT have to respond, my brother....or as "Charly Brown" said.....Good Grief!)

much love, neil

Neil Giuntoli

 2022/11/26 18:06Profile

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779

 Re: God love you Ron

Hi Neil! It's a blessing to see you! I was just thinking about you this week. I hope that all is well.

*EDIT P.S. - Given your recent experiences, I think that God still has more work for you.


 2022/11/26 19:41Profile

Joined: 2022/11/26
Posts: 24
United States


You were thinking of ME?...oh oh, i'm in trouble.....(holy teasing) are you Chris?....i pray in faith, you are well fed, both in body and soul, well loved, and all the good things in our walk, whilst in this clay jar.

We could have a conversation, on several levels. Worldly(intel , trade, and financial matters)....but we have to go to the news and current events section......these discussions leave my soul and heart very heartbroken........17 years old is too young to be abssorbed into the intelligence community......anyway.....we could talk of what a REAL Heaven Sent Revival would be like...instead of talk, we could pray for it, but thats whats been in and on my heart....much like Jeremiah's it too late?.....i mean a nation cant kill 50 million babies in America, AND engage in 'full spectrum dominance" around the planet....and believe that God will look benevolently down at such rank wickedness.....Chris, i remember in the mid 80's, one evening, sitting on the couch with my son's mother....i'll never forget this moment....a mastercard commercial came on, with the then "supermodel" (God have mercy) Christine Brinkley whining, "mastercard...i'm bored" and then 30 seconds of all "the good stuff" you could buy to fill this "boredom"........oh Chris, i cannot convey what a sense of DREAD came over me.
forgive me for that jeremiad....God love you Chris, neil

Neil Giuntoli

 2022/11/28 12:18Profile

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