TEXT: ISAIAH 42:19-20; 2COR. 4:18
''Who is blind, but my servant? or deaf, as my messenger that I sent? who is blind as he that is perfect, and blind as the Lord's servant Seeing many things, but thou observest not; opening the ears, but he heareth not.''
''While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.''
Experiences have variously instructed us that things are not as they appear to be,---- that the eyes convey not the true pictures of events and things. A consultation with our Holy Book, the Bibles, shows undisputably that whatever the eyes see, is but for a moment and a shadow. All that the eyes see are as actors, acting parts that are not truly their real self or natures: the wealthy outside Christ are merely acting parts of rich ones,---who indeed are but poor and wretched. Every 'smile' or 'joy' outside and without Christ, is nothing but as a part acted on a stage which is but for a moment,---which, behind the curtains, the acting-fellow, is as sad as hell and death: oh! what does a man outside Christ have to do with smelling visage and a joyful heart? Hence, true saints rest not on the judgement of what they see or hear: for to them, whatever meets sight, is considered as a dying thing, which end is very near. To be anxious over what is seen,---be it an adversity or any irritant,---is as if a man is put on a run by a dying and fragile man. Christians, things that the physical eyes can see, are weak, impotent, momentary and never to be feared: this is the amazing paradox that embolden every man whom Christ has encountered. So, he that would partner with and be a servant of God, must have done with the counsels of his eyes and ears: these two oracles must never be consulted again. Friends and brothers, if it is already in sight, then there is nothing to worry about, for the appearance thereof has made it a fading and dying thing or situation. An end of all that trouble the saints, is come, in that it is seen! Oh Who is then blind as a saint in Christ? or deaf, as a new-born man in God? how blind should he be, who seeks to be perfect! Christians, though we see many things, we must not observe anything in opposition to God's word! Let us hear but nothing save God's word; working by faith not by sight. _________________ Ojoje Adeyi