TEXT: JOHN 10:27-28
''My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:/And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand./My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.''
Christ's hold on the saints is very firm: no power of hell, nor policy of men can pluck the weakest of them out of His hand. If any be Christ's, he would hear His voice: for when Jesus makes a man His own, He made him to easily hear His voice. Christ's voice is within earshot to the Saints. Dear brothers, as you are His, so is His voice, instructions and direction yours; he would strive to make you hear Him, for He knows that therein lies your safety. Yes, there are many kinds of voices in the world, loud and clamorous, yet, they would not drown the voice of Christ to the saints. Man, the evidence that you are Christ's, is the ability to hear Him: for all that the Father God puts in Christ's hand, hear His voice; so, if any cannot hear Him, he is none of His. When a man hears Christ's voice, He takes notice of Him, draws him to Himself, and becomes His security. All who hear Christ's voice and follow Him, are gathered into His bosom as a man gathers flowers out of a garden. Rejoice then, great ones, you are now in His care, no temptation can pluck you out of His hand; no ill shall harm you; no plague shall reach you; for who can wrest anything out of Jesus' hand? There is a constant watch kept night and day over the saints: therefore let none suppose that Christ would take it lightly if any of His is attacked. The sun, moon and the stars could sooner be pluck out of the sky by man's artifice; or an ocean sooner be drained dry and empty of every drop by man's art, than the saints could be pluck out of Jesus' hold or grip by any earth-bred or hell-framed facility! Oh firm is the hold of Christ on the least of His little flock,---under the saints, is the hand that holds the earth together! Rest ever my soul, for the hand that holds thee is mighty! Amen! _________________ Ojoje Adeyi