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Joined: 2018/2/26
Posts: 57
Orange County, CA

 Christianity in America is not about Jesus Christ anymore, Its about Trump and the Republican Party

Frederick Douglass had this to say: “Between the Christianity of this land and the Christianity of Christ, I recognize the widest possible difference—so wide that to receive the one as good, pure, and holy, is of necessity to reject the other as bad, corrupt, and wicked.


 2022/4/21 17:10Profile

Joined: 2008/9/14
Posts: 980
Pineville, LA

 Re: Christianity in America is not about Jesus Christ anymore, Its about Trump and th

There are two things that I would like to say in response to this video:

1) Christianity in America is made up of no one but genuine believers in the Lord. There are many who claim Christ, but few who know Him. That being said, Trump doing these things is not godly, but that doesn’t mean Christians are responsible for his actions. I voted for him (not in the primaries mind you) because he was the only option that wasn’t going to ramp up horrible policies. Which brings me to my next point:

2). Abortion is such a significant issue to me that I am wholly unwilling to vote for any politician who promotes it. If Trump had that same or similar policy, I would have wrote a name in! But this singular issue is so profoundly evil, that I will absolutely not vote for any supporter of it. And many believers feel the same. Don’t blame Christians for the 2 party system that has developed. We didn’t invent it. We have to deal with the hand that has been given to us. Romney v. Obama was an election I refused to even vote in because I recognized Romney to be a RINO and Obama to be pro baby murder. Both would have led to an increase in that practice. So, I refused to vote.

I can’t see why this video gets any praise. Trump is wrong for sure, but not like those people on the video. They are baby-killer-supporting liberals and I don’t believe a word they say about anything, because that issue alone is enough to convince me that they are for more evil.

 2022/4/21 19:48Profile

Joined: 2008/9/14
Posts: 980
Pineville, LA


And if you want proof that Rob is completely unregenerate, just look at his blog posts!

 2022/4/21 19:55Profile

Joined: 2021/11/14
Posts: 82

 Re: Christianity in America is not about Jesus Christ anymore, Its about Trump and th

Hi Fred,

This reminds me of this other guy James Key that talks about how Trump is the antichrist on his channel

But I don't know if he is right or wrong.
Alot of the things he says kinda makes sense.
Who knows exactly if he is the antichrist or not. It could even be his son or someone else (elon musk, macron turkey president and so on).
But looking at the cult of his followers and the Christians that support him and the so called prophets that prophesied about him and the q anons and the maga rally and the nar movement that support him alot, it kind of makes sense.

But my hope is not on a president or any government anymore. Whether they are right wing or far left I don't trust them.(but I still feel that the left is horrible and I think they are ruining the country)
Now my hope is in Jesus Christ who will soon appear and get rid off the injustice and violence of this world and bring judgment on those who oppress the needy.

You're right we have to watch out for false prophets and be faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ.


Yulboum Robert

 2022/4/21 23:23Profile

Joined: 2020/2/12
Posts: 393


I agree with the first part, "Christianity in America is not about Jesus Christ anymore..."
The same is true for the rest of the western world
If Christ isn't central anymore then we can go astray in many different directions. This is nothing new.

We know that Constantine made an agreement with the early church, afterwards politics became involved, then the world started to captured the church already then.
In recent times some Presidents claimed to be christians, to get support, so they could go to war.
Now some talk about "social justice", others have a "green gospel" etc.

Jesus clearly said His Kingdom is not of this world. But we have forgotten this and are quick to compromise.

"In Christ alone my hope is found He is my light, my strength, my song ..."


 2022/4/22 10:27Profile

Joined: 2018/2/26
Posts: 57
Orange County, CA


Hello havok20x,

Politicians and government is not the answer. Your concerns regarding abortion will not be answered with who you vote for, especially wicked men who pretend to care about the matter only for power. This thing about abortion will be dealt with morally. Woman overall will have to make that decision among themselves not to do it. Freewill is a gift from God. You have it as well. So do not try to force anyone to do things they don't want to just because you believe different. Trying to place wicked men in power just to change laws that force people to live a certain way is also evil. I always pray that woman would reconsider when attempting it and by the grace of God, statistics show that many woman have decided not to do it anymore. We must continue to pray and must continue to teach the Word of God but not look at wicked political men as solution. They are not it.


 2022/4/22 10:31Profile

Joined: 2011/10/21
Posts: 2009
Dothan, Alabama

 Re: Christianity in America is not about Jesus Christ anymore, Its about Trump and th

Do you happen to remember the context in which this took place?

ICYMI; the church in question, was attacked and burned not long before and there was continued violent activism, that by law had to be stopped by the police (by law) due to the fact the church and surrounding area was now a crime scene .... the press conference where a US President held up a Bible in the aftermath of a church burning on Capitol grounds in a show of solidarity with the plight of the victims (Christians) should not really even be noteworthy but compulsory.

The fact that these, and presumably you, take issue with that fact all while ignoring that the Christian faith was just attacked and torched in DC, not to mention the fact that these same peoples not only approve of but ordain people with obvious mental disorders as ministers and put them in the pulpit 😳🥺
Yet these, far more grievous blasphemies go completely without comment much less contempt🤷🏽‍♂️

None of these people (video) know Jesus,... they may know “about Him” but they don’t know Him and most likely have never met or even seen Him 💯

My prayer for them and all who hold these positions, is for mercy and light as they are in darkness and it appears to be their “light”


 2022/4/22 14:22Profile

Joined: 2008/9/14
Posts: 980
Pineville, LA



Brother, I hate to say it, but the people in that video are just as political as you suggest I am. I wholly believe the only hope we have as a nation is the consistent proclamation of the Gospel. But to accuse me of evil for desiring to criminalize a practice that God clearly hates, I am afraid that the only answer would be lawlessness! The word of God is clear, government is supposed to punish the WICKED (by God’s standards) and reward the good. That is their mandate by God and that to an ungodly government! The whole world is held under that mandate. So I will gladly vote for those who take the most atrocious violations of the law of God (Baby murder, child trafficking, etc) and criminalize those activities. What would you say if you called the police because someone wanted to break into your home and murder you, and their response was “well, we can’t force people to do things they don’t want to do” and let it happen? You wouldn’t be pleased with that! The position I hold is biblical. It is not driven by ungodly thinking like those who are using and abusing Scripture in those videos. Go look at that dudes website, brother! He clearly loves things God hates—homosexuality, lawlessness, and he is soft on abortion! Am I evil for hating those practices? Am I evil for aligning myself and the way I vote based upon the Scripture? Wake up, brother!

 2022/4/23 14:03Profile

Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227


Hi Jrquirino,
The facts stated in the video are completely wrong to begin with.
However besides that we have people who may or may not be born again Christian like on the video who would rather support people who are 1 Antisemtic to the core 2 Support Abortion fully 3 Use Race to divide 4 Hate Christians 5 Support one world government rather than support and saying honest and fair things about Donald Trump.You dont have to like someone to be fair and honest.
Whatever you say about his motivation he has demonstrated his support for Israel with the Abraham Accords and moving the embassy to Jerusalem among other things and has supported Christians with his attendance of the national prayer event and allowing known evangelicals pray publically with him in the White House among other things.
I would say that people who think he has anything to do with the AntiChrist need to really examine their eschatology as it is way off.
I would also say that real Christians who oppose Trump and support the left despite knowing the support he has given to Christians and Jews have real deep seated hatred issues that are not Godly nor in any way justified.
Reverend Robert Schenck hasnt got a clue what he is talking about and if he knew correct biblical theology he would know that using the term "Reverend" is hated by God and is against everything Christ died on the cross for,most people dont realize this unfortunately,
urs staff

 2022/4/24 15:46Profile

Joined: 2022/3/31
Posts: 3


I have to second your comment (deogloria) Markus!

We cannot become entangled in the affairs of this life.. just a distraction/smokescreen.

The help doesn't come from here!

 2022/4/27 19:00Profile

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