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Discussion Forum : Devotional Thoughts : STANDING IN HEAVEN FOR ME

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Joined: 2016/6/19
Posts: 225


Standing in heaven for me,
An advocate there be:
My name on His lips ever ---
Nothing can Him from this sever!

Rest shall Christ not know,
Until into His bosom I go:
On His palm written is my name;
My salvation is His fame.

Until heaven and earth past,
Christ shall my tears cast
Before the face of God almighty,
Who must with Him keep integrity!

Oh Christ! Oh my Christ!
While hast thou me this priced,
What can my peace alarm?
What scheme can me harm?

Let the sky and her light away fly;
Let earth in chaos and dusk lie:
Pillowed on christ's breast'll be,
Smiling at wrenching gale stormy!


Ojoje Adeyi

 2022/4/21 1:16Profile

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