Poster | Thread | brothagary Member
Joined: 2011/10/23 Posts: 2556
| Re: | | Hi Brothers I just want to explain what I meant about barabbus, he like many Christians was meant to go to the cross and die but his connection with the world and the flesh so to speak and the world's call and those drawing upon his life caused him to never walk the path to Calvary nor to be crucified on the cross. Where as the thief humberly understood that he deserve to die for the sins that he committed and understood who Christ was, and because of this he was crucified with Christ and found himself in Paradise with his saviour. 🔥🙏🔥 |
| 2022/4/24 6:31 | Profile | murrcolr Member
Joined: 2007/4/25 Posts: 1839 Scotland, UK
| Re: | | Hi your comments about Barabbus reminded me on Derek Prince testimony about this very subject.
Derek Prince testimony
Now God made this vivid to me personally many years ago now. I was for about eight years the pastor of a small Pentecostal congregation in the center of London, England. And some people who know me today would find it hard to believe this, but we conducted open air services three times every week in the center of London at a place that’s known as Speaker’s Corner, Marble Arch. And that was where we got our fish. We went out and fished for sinners, brought them in. And we saw over the years hundreds of sinners saved through those meetings at Speaker’s Corner.
But one night during this period I had a very vivid dream. And in my dream I saw a typical open air meeting. A circle of people standing around and a man in the middle preaching. And as I watched the man and listened to him I said to myself, “What he’s preaching is pretty good.” But there was something I didn’t like about the man. It was like he was hunchbacked and he had a club foot and altogether he looked crooked. So I woke up and I thought, “I wonder what that meant,” and dismissed it. But about two weeks later I had the same dream again. So this time I said to myself, “God must be trying to tell me something. I wonder who the man is?” And it was like the Holy Spirit said to me what Nathan said to David, “thou art the man.”
And it opened up to me a completely new aspect of salvation. I was soundly saved by most standards, baptized in the Spirit, serving the Lord, but there was something in me that was crooked and unacceptable to God. It was the old man. I didn’t have any gospel understanding of God’s program for the old man. I had to find my way through these things Well, about the same time Easter was coming on and because of the Easter season somehow I had in my mind a mental image of the hill of Golgotha [or Calvary] and the three crosses on it. But the middle cross was much taller than the other two. And it was like the Holy Spirit put me through an examination. He said, “Now tell me, for whom was the middle cross made?” But it was as if he said, “Be careful before you answer.” So I stopped and thought and I said, “It was made for Barabbas.” And he said, “That’s right.” Because it really was not made for Jesus. Do you understand? Barabbas was due to be executed. But he was released at the last moment, Jesus took his place. So then he said, “But Jesus took the place of Barabbas.” I said, “That’s right.” Then the Holy Spirit said, “But I thought Jesus took your place?” I said, “Yes, that’s right.” Then he said, “You must be Barabbas.”
And at that point I saw it. I never try to argue with people about that, it’s a revelation. But I saw that I was the criminal for whom the cross was made. It was exactly to my measure. It was appropriate for me. But Jesus took my place.
That made it so vivid to me, God’s program for dealing with the old man. This is quite distinct from the forgiveness of sin. The forgiveness of sins is wonderful but you’re never going to have a life of victory or real fruitfulness as long as that old rebel is still alive inside you. God’s provision is the execution of the rebel. God’s mercy is the execution took place when Jesus died. Our old man was crucified with him. The Old King James says “is crucified” which is the perfect tense. But the more correct translation is “was crucified.” It’s a simple past tense, it’s an actual, historical fact that took place.
Derek Prince teaching - Our Old Man was put to Death in Him that the New Man might come to Life in us.
from: _________________ Colin Murray
| 2022/4/24 15:01 | Profile | brothagary Member
Joined: 2011/10/23 Posts: 2556
| Re: | | Amen Colin 🙏 it always amazes me how many applications the Holy spirit can use regarding certain parts of the scripture. There seems to be one true literal interpretation but many spiritual interpretations in applications that the Holy spirit uses to Hammer home some truth that is always meant to spurs us on to righteousness, and help us have a closer relationship with him. 😊🙏🔥🕊️ |
| 2022/4/24 19:15 | Profile | murrcolr Member
Joined: 2007/4/25 Posts: 1839 Scotland, UK
| Re: | | Nee quote:
You receive deliverance from sin in the same way as you receive forgiveness of sins.
Nee believed that there was two distinct works of salvation, clearly Derek Prince believed there was two distinct works
Derek Prince quote:
That made it so vivid to me, God’s program for dealing with the old man. This is quite distinct from the forgiveness of sin. The forgiveness of sins is wonderful but you’re never going to have a life of victory or real fruitfulness as long as that old rebel is still alive inside you.
This is what God has been speaking to me about over the years, two distinct works of Spirit of God. The only person I see preaching or teaching this message today is Zac Poonen you can read it in his teachings that Greg Gordon puts up.
Just by reading the posts here you can see that many desire a life of victory, to be free from the Wretched man.
Before I got saved I had a nickname it was Coco - I asked people to stop calling me that as he no longer lived.
But Colin is a wretched man, he rebels against God, he is crooked - I know that Colin must die so that Christ may live.
Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?
Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord
For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh. Romans 8:3
God has done it - through his Son - he condemned sin in the flesh or in other he put to death sin in the flesh.
Sin in the flesh?
Rom 7:17 So now it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me.
God has done it - through his Son - he has put to death sin that dwells within me. _________________ Colin Murray
| 2022/4/25 4:21 | Profile | brothagary Member
Joined: 2011/10/23 Posts: 2556
| Re: | | Yeah for sure , I've believed that now for a while, there's probably a few ways to appropriate it, and a few ways to express more or less similar result. We are saved by Grace through faith and it's not of ourselves it's the gift of God not of works and we're also sanctified and made holy by grace through faith and it's not of ourselves it's the gift of God is normally how I put it in the simplistic form that one can attain deliverance simply through believing that sanctification holiness and deliverance from addiction or evil spirits that may hamper Christian through his journey from being a carnal babe too a mature saint. Holding onto the verse that Jesus said 'he who commits is a slave of sin but when the son sets you free you will be free indeed. That was the verse that after many years I held onto and believed and after coming to the end of myself through hard trials, and the absolute knowledge that I am doomed and I cannot sanctify myself through works all I was doing was amending The flesh, in the same way unbelievers try to create good habits in their flesh and overcome another habit by creating a so-called better habit, John Wesley and the Methodist and holiness preachers sort of believe something similar the second work of the spirit sanctifies in a similar way and have faith in the spirit to do that sanctifying work. I know it works different with different people but for me I was born again delivered from some things and 5 years later I was baptised in the spirit delivered by a few more things and empowered and then the third blessing that came through holding onto that verse for many years that third blessing felt like it was close to what I would have called in entire sanctification and I never believed in the doctrine of entire sanctification either, but that's how I would describe it everything just broke off and even the spirit of shyness spirit that was embedded in me from very small boy that left me as well, but what I found is the Holy spirit still continues to bring out sin after that to your conscience to be cleansed further through the same method but I found now that the holy spirit has emphasised through revelation the power of the blood in the power of communion to go further into holiness, having said that after that third blessing that I would describe as entire sanctification I walked in type of victory for 3 months and then trials of spiritual warfare came and inevitably that victory that I had turned into battles and so it drove me to deep prayer, spiritual warfare and many many hours of meditating on the word of God, so I don't think the actual war ends till either Jesus comes back or until there could be a place that which is called the spiritual circumcision the circumcision of the heart a cutting off of the the power of the flesh , we reach that place of perfect love the casts out of fear I believe there will be a period of victory probably that will last more than 3 months as Jesus had victory over the devil after his 40 Day fast the devil left him for a season and I believe that we can also follow and expect full victory and a truce A cease fire in the battle against the devil, whatever happens the main thing is to never ever stop believing that the blood and the sacrifice of the lamb has the full power to forgive us from every sin and to break the power of every sin and cleanse us perfectly the sacrifice was perfectly sufficient and we must believe that all things are possible and that when we grow to that perfect man to the measure of the statue of the fullness of Christ and we reach a place of perfect love that we can fulfil those commandments of being a holy as our father is Holy and being perfect as he is perfect and those that say they abide Christ ought to walk just as he walked. There must be a type of victory over sin that is a complete victory where we have a completely clear conscience of sin, it's says that in the scripture and I believe that that's what the apostles taught and that's what Jesus taught but we got a believe for that. It doesn't matter how we feel and it doesn't matter how many times we failed in the past we must believe in victory for the blood sake and for what Jesus did on the cross that he will get the reward of his suffering period. |
| 2022/4/25 9:57 | Profile |