Sin would be excused; indulged, tolerated and entertained, when the heart's eyes have not seen the cruelty and ugliness there are therein. When the knowledge of the cruelty of sin arrests our hearts; affects our will and dominates our entire being, we would not exercise any hesitation to embark on a fight against, not only what is sinful, but, anything that appears sinful; we would become men and women that fear nothing but sin.
There cannot be an erection of the empire of holiness in thought and deed, until we realise that the smallest of sin is a killer. Alas! The present church has not dragged her children to see that sin is the plague of plagues; rather, she has turned her face from the severity of God unto the goodness of God, as if God is all goodness. The apostle Paul would thunder from within the pages of scripture to the present church: 'Behold the severity and goodness of God!' There is goodness in God to pardon sin as severity in Him as well to punish sin, when continue in without repentance.
Brothers and sisters, go away from any assembly that does not make you pure in heart! A church that does not believe in mourning, is a church that has denied the depravity of man. Many are into adultery, fornication and all underhandedness in the church, with nothing to prick their conscience. The message of prosperity may give you property, but may be unable to give you propriety in virtue and arm you against the inner corruption. Alas! How defective is our sight in respect of the venom of sin. May we fear sin; knowing that it was the slayer of Christ. There is nothing that can show to us sin's cruelty than what our Lord suffered on the cross. God's hatred of sin is manifest in what He did to His son when He took up our sin.
Do not be deceived, the wages of sin is death! Let not the present over-drummed, hyper-piped, unduly-stretched and proudly emphasised teaching on grace numb your sensitivity; and lax your hold on the sinfulness of sin. Amen! _________________ Ojoje Adeyi