“God is judging Celebrity Christianity! God is looking for pure friends of the Bridegroom and He is cleansing the church and worship movement from motives and lifestyles that contain mixture. God is also exposing the idolotry that many in the church have placed over platforms, microphones, and pulpits.”-Allen Hood"Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God." (James 4:4)https://youtu.be/q5BqEontpfg
Firstly, there's no such thing as a "christian celebrity." I don't see the need for any special revelation to discern all of the showtime religion we're seeing in such a widescale measure. But the show must go on!I discern some showmanship in this very clip of this man as well.I can't help but wonder why he'd tell that story about his own wife being gawked at by another man. He seemed a bit proud as he told this story. It was as if he wanted others to know that he's got a ____ wife.And he also acted with a bit of a holier-than-thou attitude as he went on about how this man ought to put his eyes back in his head. As if he's never been guilty of the same.And also, it kinda makes you wonder whether his own wife was dressed provocatively to cause this man to look at her as he did. I realize that the fact that he looked at her in the manner that he did, doesn't necessitate that she was dressed immodestly. But my guess would be more yes than no. Go ahead, call me out on that judgment if you like, and give me a scolding. That's fine with me.Here's a short but true story of an experience I myself witnessed some years ago, just for the record.Arriving early at the church building downtown one morning, I decided I'd stand outside by the door awhile. As the cars were driving by they'd slow down to let a church-goer cross the street. One particular car with a few guys aboard, stopped to allow this very pretty young lady who was dressed in modest apparel to cross in front of their car. Without incident, she crossed safely in their view. Then there appeared another pretty woman at the curb waiting to cross the street. The same car with the few guys aboard allowed her to cross the road as well. As she did, they were gawking, whistling and making all kinds of noises as they called out to her to try and get her attention. What do you think made the difference? Both were arriving early for the "worship service."The above is a true story as I said. And it's not uncommon. We can blame the men for sure. They're surely guilty! But the advertising world knows quite well what sells. So if you're not selling don't advertise.I certainly am not impressed with any of this man's words. The Word of God is authoritative and it does not return void. Men of God ought to keep to that unadulterated Word and their wives will be praised because of their fear of the LORD, humble spirit and modest looking purity.Celebrities have audiences which applaud and laugh, among other things which their fans love about THEM. Men of God have no fans. They all follow One Man, the God-man Christ Jesus. We're all part of the family. As these celebrities are not celebrities when they're with their families, but are among them as equals, so it ought to be even the more so with the family of God.
On Topic: Celebrity Christianityhttps://youtu.be/jeFskMzLIUg
I really doubt God would have wanted Allen saying anything to this man, the best thing he could have done was, is just stood and prayed for this man. JMO