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Joined: 2004/7/2
Posts: 35

 We Need Revival In America!

I believe we are about to see a new powerful move of God in America. I am interested in your thoughts about how to seek and experience a real revival from God. Charles Finney, Evan Roberts, William Seymour, and others are just a few names of recent times that experienced and helped the church to experience a true revival. If America is going to survive, we must seek God for a revival. Let me know what you think! :-)


 2005/7/25 4:47Profile

Joined: 2003/5/8
Posts: 4419
Charlotte, NC

 Re: We Need Revival In America!

I'm convinced that after my experience preaching Friday that America will either have revival, or judgment. Despite preaching open-air for about 45-60 minutes, preaching on everything from the need for Jesus as a savior, Jesus as Lord, the resurrection, the crucifixion, divine healing provided in the atonement (and even offering to pray for people), true joy, etc., to a crowd of a couple hundred people, but seeing no response for the Lord, I don't see how such could not happen after preaching to such a multitude and the only reaction I saw was the heathen wraging all the more.

Jimmy H

 2005/7/25 6:41Profile

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