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Joined: 2005/1/6
Posts: 2359
Hemel Hempstead

 How are lives are so fragile!

How are lives are so fragile!
nebuchazzer was the ruler of the known world at the time the equivilant of the president of the united states of america!! In one day he turned from being the president to being a donkey. Imagine that being in the glories if babylon then down to a donkey eating grass for seven years!! Are lives are so fragile, Job was another person god had the whole of his life turned upside down in one moment!! Doing well business wise to god to men and sucj like next minute, ill with large grea big boils!! Think about that is this not a reason to obey god and praise him. Noah one minute with a full population of people next minute all alone him on his own him and his family!! Imagine that all alone!! Abraham one minute he has to give up his only son to god!! God owns the planet, our lives belong to him we own nothing not even our own bodies they are his. It says that someone who commits fornication does damage no only to him but to his own body!! We are so fragile are money is given by him are house and are home!! A bomb could hit our house or we could get run over by a car compare one of our man made structures to a tree !! God controls everything knowing this well, when I was ill, one day i went to the doctors with a lump inwhich the doctors did not know about as was ill in bed for the next four months!! In one day! people get cancer!!
Is it not to praise the god of heaven for providing us all the food we have a fast makes us realise that all the food we have is given by god even the bed that you are sleeping on tonight and the shower that you are showering in this morning is it not smart to pray and fast for are nations just as daniel did because are nation is in a terrible state and whatever nation you are in!! fast for people you know who are going through a hard time or even your own family tell god about every small thing that you are going through from a wart on your hand to the money situation or to the smallest thing.
It says delight yourself in the lord , it is not that commen that we delight ourselves in god i am not very good at delighting myself in god but i need to do it more i know it says so that he will give you the desires of your heart, one of the desires is to serve him more because at his right hand are plesures forever more!! God has many pleasures that we do not even know about!! More than starbucks coffe or popcorn or candy or even choclate!! I want to obey god not out of duty but because i love him and I want to love him because he knows the best for me!!
To talk about distasters in the bible it was god who destroyed israel it is painful to say and judgement began at the house of god so what is going on in the world today is not the worlds fault it is ours !! When ever any of the prophets prayed to god they prayed that god would forgive them and the nations sins as I have commited many sins I may be along time!! I know that god loves and sometimes god brings the disasters to wake up us up to know that he loves and cares for us such as the bombing god cares for every one of those wounded people than I do I want to hear what he is caring about, god cries more than I do!! I know that!! he suffers more than I suffer!! He loves more than I love.

I have always imagine myself as a jar of clay or a vase because it is so fragile made out of glass and knowing that god cares and can break that glass at a moments will. My hands for one which I am using to type I could lose them in one moment or my voice or my personal organs or even my eyes or my toungue or my legs or my ears!! or we could lose are house or anything which we own it is all owned by god!! We need to realise that we are fragile!!
A bomb could go of anywhere, I think when I realised this i started praying more because I know that god controls every single situation the next minute of this day or the next hour!! He is the ruler and potentate of time and space and controls are situations at his whim! As he is loving god every choice is made in perfect love

Know that you are his vase!![u][b]How are lives are so fragile![/b][/u]

Dominic Shiells

 2005/7/24 19:07Profile

Joined: 2005/5/25
Posts: 189

 Re: How are lives are so fragile!

Deltadom its as if you are takeing on a burden for us all. You cannot take this burden, Jesus takes this burden.

You are young and experiencing, this that is happening in London. It is not unusual for these things to cause young and old to think of how fragile life can be.
We then have to move on in strength and boldnes of the Lord and to continue looking to Our heavenly Father who brings us through stronger than we were before.

Thankyou for the points you have made, which do have an awakening signal.

I pray that God will bring peace and rest to you


 2005/7/25 8:53Profile

Joined: 2005/2/16
Posts: 621
Cache Valley, Utah


Indeed, thank you, Deltadom. It is important to know how fragile we are. What is happening in London must be quite shaking, but trust Him for your protection, and do not fear, for He is with you!


Eli Brayley

 2005/7/25 8:58Profile


There was an auto accident about 500 feet from where our driveway meets the road yesterday... and a woman was killed.

We never know.. could be any second. God has fixed the time of our deaths. No one goes a minute longer.


 2005/7/25 11:03

Joined: 2005/1/6
Posts: 2359
Hemel Hempstead

 Re: God is in control

God is in control I think this subject generally makes me pray more because it says makes your requests whether small or large known to god and as god does know everything I do like to tell him everything! It he who controls every body in him we live and move and have are being!!!

Dominic Shiells

 2005/7/25 18:13Profile

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