[img]https://www.sermonindex.net/images/forum/2004/may/featured_news.gif[/img]On this day, 158 years ago, Brigham Young and his band of pioneers arrived in the Salt Lake Valley, starting a migration that quickly turned Utah into a Mormon-dominated desert realm.That domination - at least in terms of raw numbers - appears to be nearing its end.Within the next three years, the Mormon share of Utah's population is expected to hit its lowest level since The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints started keeping membership numbers. And if current trends continue, LDS residents no longer will constitute a majority by 2030.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Wow! I was just watching that on history channel today how the leader of the Mormons promised to get some settlers on there way through Mormon and Indian territory out safely from the Indians attacks and after he took their weapons he double crossed them and had his guys and the Indians shoot them all in the back and kill everyone except the small children, but 20 years later the Calvary caught up with him and he was shot in front of a firing squad.
What's that? You mean that one of today's popular cults is on the decline in one of it's most prevalent areas? Woo-Hoo!Grace and Peace...