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Joined: 2006/1/16
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 Live in HIM.....

Joh_15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

I live in HIM, HE lives in me. Whatever I may do or have done that is pleasing to HIM, it is because of the symbiotic relationship we enjoy together. Anything I attempt to do on my own, breeches this relationship, and I am the loser, I do not bear fruit. Worse yet, I harm myself and others as I blunder along. Nothing DIVINE is going on within, except HIS ever reminding me of what I'm doing, I'm attempting to do it without HIM. No matter how religious and holy I want it to appear, It is a futile struggle on my own. Nothing will become of it. I DISPISE futility. Yet most of my life has been futile. Oh I could boast of this or that, places I've been. I could even boast about a few people whose lives have been eternally changed, as if I changed them. No, no no, no, no. Apart from HIM, failure is guaranteed.
I was praying one morning, many years ago. I prayed, "oh LORD, I want to be all I can be in YOU." HE responded, "Rather MY son, I want to be all "I" can be in you!" I wept. HE wants to be all HE can be......... in me? Me? Huh? How can this be?
Many years later, I was asking HIM, "why"? Why me? There are so many others........
One day HE responded. I asked, "why? Why do you even keep me when I want to bear fruit alone? Why LORD. HE said, "because I choose too".
Look at all the topics people talk about here on FB. Every kind of religious concept known to man, is discussed here, often in great detail. But how often do we discuss HIM? How often do we testify of HIS glory within, simply because HE chooses to be there? How absurd to think that HE blesses you or I, because we are "this" or "that" or what we have done. ACK!!!!! To me, that is so revolting. In reality , that is "anti-christ". Anti-Christ and all Lahry. Religion. Religion bears NO FRUIT, beloved. Such a pride filled endeavor to attempt to make myself look like what I most certainly am NOT!!! Tragically, I've lived most of my life this way. I'm a slow learner. I'm only now having my breathe escape me that only now I am beginning to realize, that it is all because of HIM. HIS blood, and nothing more. HIS salvation, never mine. Nothing more is needed. To think that I could perform this little task or that on my own and it would bear fruit, is not being of sound mind. My hope for "favor" in what I do, is ANTI-CHRIST. All the favor I have is HIS favor, an already FINISHED WORK! What little work I do, is in response and thanksgiving to what HE has already done.
Php 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
If I do HIS good pleasure, it is only by HIS DIVINE power and presence, working within me. NO MAN can teach me or impart this TRUTH to me. It is GOD and ONLY GOD. HE does the work, and I offer HIM my body, to work in and through, for HIS glory, and HIS alone.
Oh beloved, come let us adore HIM. Yes HIS word is TRUTH. But only because HE IS TRUTH. I want HIM. One moment in HIS presence is worth more to me than all that has ever been written about HIM. Words of my own to attempt to describe that first moment when HE chose to manifest HIS glory within would be total futile? How does the finite describe the infinite? I had no concept of what happened that first moment when HE chose work within me, and called me to do HIS good pleasure. HE empowers HIS calling. GLORY!
I'm just a cup, on it's own worthless. For only what is in the cup, is of value to anyone. The cup cannot quench the thirst of man. The only value of the cup to another, is that the cup contains "living water". It's the water that brings closure to a long thirst. Words on a page are quite beneficial. But the presence of GOD is EVERYTHING. Nothing compares to that "knowing" within that HE lives in me, and I live in HIM. Why? Because HE chooses to do so.

Lahry Sibley

 2021/8/19 9:47Profile

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