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Joined: 2007/4/25
Posts: 1839
Scotland, UK

 Attended a church today

I attended a church today in Aberdeen Scotland the largest church in the city - this church went from having 3 meetings a day to getting a new building, this was the first meeting in that new building because of Covid 19

I had set about praying the night before and in morning asking for God to speak to.

Unfortunately as the praise and worship was about to start the room was darkened and a smoke machine was turned on.

Eventually after the 3 songs that were sung the church announcements then a (5 min max) prayer time was offered for those who put in prayer requests. (You can't let the Holy Spirit get in the way of the schedule of the meeting)

Then the preaching started which I couldn't wait to finish as I am not really interested in the Summer of Sports (The Euro's and Olympics, I came to hear God speak) and how much Olympics she watches on the TV. While preaching about freedom.

Here is the sad part - I didn't hear God speak.

Colin Murray

 2021/8/1 14:21Profile

Joined: 2006/5/11
Posts: 519
West Sussex, England

 Re: Attended a church today

Hi Colin, have you heard of the Interceders organisation ?
It may just be a UK group but I'm not sure. They link you up with like minded people interested in Revival and people interested in the old ways.

I used it once and to my surprise there was someone in our town who had got in touch with them also. We started a prayer meeting. We are also in touch with each other and have great discussions about past revivals church history and concern about the direction churches are going.

David Keel

 2021/8/2 8:31Profile

Joined: 2007/4/25
Posts: 1839
Scotland, UK



Thanks that's the form sent off..

God has been speaking to me about intersession, so I see this is as a confirmation on what he is already speaking.


Colin Murray

 2021/8/2 16:44Profile

Joined: 2006/5/11
Posts: 519
West Sussex, England


I'm really pleased. Hope it works out.

David Keel

 2021/8/2 17:01Profile

Joined: 2020/12/28
Posts: 45

 Re: Attended a church today

If the "she watches on T.V" refers to the fact it was a female pastor - perhaps once the church solves their exegetical understanding regarding qualifications for an elder/pastor - they will also sort out much of the other errors.


Simple Servant

 2021/8/5 11:00Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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