Many of the inconsistencies I had found between what the Bible clearly says verses what is commonly taught (believed) about what the Bible says are earnestly and honestly addressed by this brother towards the end of his life. Many of these conclusions were found well before I had heard this message and while they are difficult and unpopular in many cases, we shouldn’t be ashamed of them 🙏🏻 Having wrestled with the decision to share this here on SI due to the tendency of some to respond to the “hard words” with resistance, ultimately we (body) need to be unified in the Truth. So I’m asking that we prayerfully consider this message as we need to be buttressed now more than ever that we may, having done all else, be able to stand together in faith and not be ashamed at His appearing 😇
I listened to this today. Thank you for the post dear brother Fletcher. It is a mysterious and marvelous gift when our Heavenly Father gives someone not only the desire to repent, but also the awareness of exactly what to repent of! It was refreshing to listen to the tender, yet bold sharing of truth from brother David, who is surely in the great cloud of witnesses.Thanks again brother! You are a blessing many times over! ❤️🙏
A lot of believers are believing a lot of false things that don't work in their lives. And that aren't Biblical. I'm no authority or anything like that but I do have a testimony of repenting. I found when I entered into repentance it turned the whole of my beliefs of what is truly Christian upside down. It felt like being dragged through a fence backwards. It was very fearful. To realize all of what my foundation had been built on was fake Christianity. Naming and claiming things because I was told I had the power to do this was one major thing. The biggest shock was that I had been subconsciously inducing the voice of God in my mind. You only become aware that your doing it when you abandon everything and repent with all seriousness to leave this world and correct your wicked thoughts and forcibly take temptations captive. I then started to hear God's living active words His Rhema words. In a still small voice into my heart. He would be interrupting the course of my thoughts just at that moment that God does this. It was only then that he spoke to me about eternal life with Him.That's how I know all of the merchants of grace without a hint of repentance in this present evil age aren't right with the Lord in true repentance. And have aa true close relationship with Him. Recently someone that I know. A leader of a group on Facebook who regularly posted messages that he was pulling down strongholds by his prayers had a mighty spiritual collapse with a mental breakdown. We have to build our life on the Rock. Which in the sermon on the mount meant to obey Christ sacrificially and whole heartedly. The devil has got many Christians coming against things that aren't even there or they haven't got the authority from God to be casting down.We aren't able to tell these things to depart from us when we are living sinful lives.
_________________David Keel