[img]https://www.sermonindex.net/images/forum/2004/may/featured_news.gif[/img]July 22, 2005 Three ancient scrolls one parchment and two silver recently have been identified as containing some of the world's earliest known verses from the Hebrew Bible, also known as the Old Testament.The discovery of two fragments of a 2,000-year-old parchment scroll in the Judean Desert was announced last week by Israeli archaeologist Chanan Eshel of Tel Aviv's Bar Ilan University.The fragments contain verses from Leviticus, the third book of the Hebrew Bible, attributed to the tribe of Levi from which Israeli priests are said to be descended. The book consists of regulations for both the priests and their followers.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
I'm sure you already know this SI, but it's seems whenever they 'find' things, it starts something that usually "adds to" the Word of God.Taking the Dead Sea Scrolls just for one.I don't want to post articles that are New Age-y or occultic, but if you type 'Revelations of the Dead Sea Scrolls', into Google, you'll see that, that "find" has been used to add 'new revelation', that's really occultic.I expect in the latter times, these type things will increase to promote UFOlogy, 'ascended masters', etc. etc.Young believers may not know the Bible well enough just yet, to discern which parts of those "dead sea scrolls" are Biblical and which aren't. It may start off reading well, but then the Junk is salt & peppered here and there, between what may be truths.Tricky tactic from somebody... Whoever ?Thanks for the forum SI.GA