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Joined: 2005/2/16
Posts: 239
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada


I agree, theology has very little street credit. I think Phil's remarks were directed more at the growing library his ministry is producing (at least I hope that is what he meant?) I think Mr. Johnson's remarks were not geared so much at Mr Comforts ministry - as it was geared at the various materials that Living Waters ministry produces.

I can't speak for the man, but that was how I understood it.


Daniel van de Laar

 2005/7/21 17:24Profile

Joined: 2004/9/28
Posts: 957
Cleveland, Georgia

 Re: ray comfort?


I think you were referring to my post. Comfort is awesome, and I hope he lights an inferno in America. I wrote that (please don't start a debate about him) because I didn't want to start a rabbit's trail under that post (I just handed a Hell's Best Kept Secret CD to a guy about 2 hours ago). I was just trying to stay on subject, but give credit to Ray at the same time.

Yes, many have a problem with Ray for many different reasons, but like Spurgeon said, everytime that he began to make true spiritual progress, he met with much opposition and resistance.

Hal Bachman

 2005/7/21 17:33Profile

Joined: 2003/6/13
Posts: 210
Southern California


I have been personally callenged and blessed by ray's ministry over the years. I too strongly recommend "Out of the Comfort Zone" to any and all. "The Evidence Bible" is another.

God kinda used Ray as a catalyst in my life spiritually speaking...really dealing with my self-righteousness and giving me a healthy and balanced view of the law of God, the reasons why He gave it ti fallen man, and how it helps us/ the sinner to see him/herself in the light of God's word and leaves the responsibility squarely upon our own shoulders as to what we will do with it.
Greg and I were blessed to spend a short time with Him last year, I think. Here's a [url=]picture.[/url]

I've been blessed, I have cried, I have definitely laughed, and I have been really angry, as God has dealt with me spiritually using the instrument of Ray's ministry. He is highly recommended.

Just a bit of advice...
If you begin to read/watch/listen to his 'materials', I would ask one thing...let God work them into you personally before you go out and teach sinners His way using the Law. Zeal without knowledge creates a tragic mess. You don't need to be a pro, just have the right heart (broken before God, humble, submissive, obedient, a servant's heart).


 2005/7/21 19:15Profile


The ministry of Ray Comfort and all of his materials are what started it for me. I am very grateful towards him and truly thank GOD for all that He has done through this little man from New Zealand. He's the man who inspired me to start street preaching and witnessing and also inspired me to start writting my own articles. He's deffinately a man I highly admire.

 2005/7/21 22:37

Joined: 2005/1/14
Posts: 2164


The ministry of Ray Comfort and all of his materials are what started it for me. I am very grateful towards him and truly thank GOD for all that He has done through this little man from New Zealand. He's the man who inspired me to start street preaching and witnessing and also inspired me to start writting my own articles. He's deffinately a man I highly admire.

The exact same for me. He is the one God used to show me how important repentance is and about false converts. He has also inspired me to start a street ministry. We have just started it at our church, going out and doing one-on-one that is. I am not (yet!) open-air preaching but waiting for God to make the way and prepare me.

Ray has affected many, many, many, many street ministers and street ministries.

Josh Parsley

 2005/7/22 13:29Profile



KingJimmy wrote:

If I had to nit-pick what I've seen of his ministry, I'd say he (as well as most street evangelists) needs to put more emphasis on the resurrection of Christ. I am all for using the law in evangelism, but I fear sometimes he (as well as most street evangelist) tend to take a "I'll show them they are a sinner yet..." approach to evangelism instead of "I'll show them Christ crucified and resurrected." Also, to extremely nit-pick again, I'd say he perhaps uses too many props.

I know i said i wasn't gonna comment any more, but this one i have to stand up and say something.

This above (the quote) is something I needed to hear, about street preaching. THANKS VERY MUCH.

I was just like ray, preaching the gospel numerous times and having to 'follow up' on them. Gruling task, i had no time to do such a thing.

But, showing them the true gospel. The one i encountered. I needed no one to follow me up, but the Lord taught me.

After Ray's teaching, I saw the urgancy for this needed to be spread, cause it was 'what i was looking for'.

God bless you all.

I love you guys....

 2005/7/23 22:10

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