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Joined: 2005/3/28
Posts: 4

 Secure Sinners

D.L Moody said something like "Secure sinners must hear the thunderings of Mount Sinai (The law) before they are brought to Mount Zion (Grace)

 2005/7/21 12:35Profile

 Re: Secure Sinners

Francis Schaeffer said if he had only one hour with an unsaved man, he would spend 45 minutes on the wrath of God upon children of disobedience and 15 minutes on the escape route. [i](paraphrased)[/i]

 2005/7/21 13:17

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Francis Schaeffer said if he had only one hour with an unsaved man, he would spend 45 minutes on the wrath of God upon children of disobedience and 15 minutes on the escape route. (paraphrased)

That is an extremely potent and powerful statement! How the modern church is missing this emphasis and leaving sinners secure in their sin.

Brother Wurtz gave this comment to the fact of an abiding torment on the ungodly:

This is a fearsome portion of scripture to meditate on. Not just the intense magnitude of the torment, but that it is forever and ever. Who could endure such a thing for a few minutes? What if that few minutes became a few hours? And the hours became days and weeks and months and years and decades and centuries and milleniums and eons of ages. I think of the reverse of the beloved tune Amazing Grace:

For the sufferers it will be... When we have been there 10,000 years suffering in pain to be delivered, we've no lest days to howl in pain than when we first begun. And while the Saints sing the songs of Zion the damned with be perpetually tormented day and night without rest. This is wrath without mixture or relief.

How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2005/7/21 13:22Profile

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