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Joined: 2004/9/28
Posts: 957
Cleveland, Georgia

 A Christian and martial arts

I have basically already studied and resolved this issue with myself, but without my personal input first, what is your opinion:

Should a Christian be involved in martial arts?

Hal Bachman

 2005/7/21 12:26Profile

Joined: 2004/2/12
Posts: 4636
St. Joseph, Missouri

 Re: A Christian and martial arts

At one time I was on a path to own my own Dojo. I believed it was what I wanted to do before I was born again. I believe it was the enemies plan for my life.

I think it is important to really listen to what God is telling you on this. For me many martial arts are too close to Buddhism for me and many of the practices I find to be contrary to scripture. I try to be very sensitive not to provoke God to jealousy on this issue. My instructor was proported to be a Christian and would read the bible in Japanease (He was from Japan and now lives in the DC area). I asked him about it and he said, "Martial Art no religious things." I took him to mean that it was not a religion.

Since those days some 14 years ago I have never been in a situation where I would have needed to defend myself. At times when things were a little crazy I would ask myself, "Would that be the 'Christ-like' thing to do (to strike another person or something similar)?

I once thought it an opportunity to "draw youth" or "gain their attention"- so I would do things from time to time and they would go "wow!- show me that again!" I realized I was turning them from God to Martial Arts and stopped it immediately.

Those things are a novelty to kids. Like having a truck with 22" rims and a 'boom box' or something. It is easy to get some 'cheap' props when you know a few things.

Today I am thankful I studied (as weird as that may be). Maybe that is 'my flesh' talking. But I care to study no more.

What ever you do be "fully persuaded in your own mind." If you don't feel right about it- lay it down. If you are unsure pray earnestly about it. God will give you direction and when you move in obedience to Him you will be certain you did the right thing.

My two cents...

Robert Wurtz II

 2005/7/21 12:50Profile

Joined: 2004/10/29
Posts: 335
The Netherlands

 Re: A Christian and martial arts

i depens, it's a good question.

to speak for myself, i have professed judo for 11 years did tournaments international and national, but i did it all for fun.

you greet eachother in a way of respect and after the match you greet again, to show the fight is only in the ring, not outside.

now i was at a gym where they did not do all the rituals which they do with karate or other sports, because if they would do that, i would have quited.

but i did it for the fun and it was good for my physical health, you learn how to defend yourself and when you fall, you know how to fall and not getting hurt. and enjoyed it, also because you learn some really cool techniques (is there someone here who wants to volunteer in a little demonstration?:-P...haha)

i've enjoyed it for the 11 years until i finally reached my goal the black belt and had enough of the tournaments.

but i don't know, if you look at the origin it's all about searching inside your soul (warrior within kind of things) but the way it is being trained depends on the gym/school, some focus on that also, others only for the techniques.

but a good question, i think you better can not be involved when they profess that look inside you stuff.


*edited...grammar again :S*


 2005/7/21 12:52Profile

Joined: 2004/10/29
Posts: 335
The Netherlands


Hi Robert

Since those days some 14 years ago I have never been in a situation where I would have needed to defend myself. At times when things were a little crazy I would ask myself, "Would that be the 'Christ-like' thing to do (to strike another person or something similar)?

i have been in a couple at my first years in middle school i was 12 something like that, but i always did it in a way so they wouldn't get hurt, just to let them know i have a few tricks up my sleeve, but i never went around boasting about it, and when they ask if i could show them something i would refuse, even if the president George Bush asked me i wouldn't do it.

but i never got into a fight or something like that, well in the ring yes, but outside i find no reason for fighting, you can't solve anything with fighting.

just repay evil with good, that has always been the key!


 2005/7/21 13:03Profile

Joined: 2004/2/12
Posts: 4636
St. Joseph, Missouri


...but i never got into a fight or something like that, well in the ring yes, but outside i find no reason for fighting, you can't solve anything with fighting.

I understand. I see no harm here. Funny you would mention being in the ring. At my last tournament I knew God was calling me out of that life. I was being careless and was kicked in the spleen under the bogo gear. I was down for a while. later I asked my instructor when the demonstration would be he replied, "You no worry about demonstration you worry about why got kicked!"

I knew why I got kicked. I got kicked because I was not supposed to be there. :-o

God Bless,


Robert Wurtz II

 2005/7/21 13:19Profile

Joined: 2004/10/29
Posts: 335
The Netherlands



RobertW wrote:
I knew why I got kicked. I got kicked because I was not supposed to be there. :-o

haha lol, well to be honest, i can't imagine a Bible teacher in a ring just kidding bro! ;-) true point!


 2005/7/21 13:34Profile

Joined: 2003/5/12
Posts: 573



"I was being careless and was kicked in the spleen under the bogo gear. I was down for a while. later I asked my instructor when the demonstration would be he replied, 'You no worry about demonstration you worry about why got kicked!'
I knew why I got kicked. I got kicked because I was not supposed to be there."

That has got to be one of the funniest things I've ever read on this site. Thanks for the laughs man. :-)

 2005/7/21 13:48Profile

Joined: 2005/2/16
Posts: 239
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada


I studied Aikido for a number of years - in fact it was my "Sensei" who was instrumental in putting my feet on Christ's path.

My sensei comes from one of those families that produce nothing so much as pastors, pastor's wives, and missionaries. He is perhaps one of the most spiritually grounded people I have ever met.

I trained for years with him - and since I lived on his way home, he would drive me home - something that was instrumental in bringing me back to the Lord (I was saved years earlier, but knowing nothing more than the gospel, I ran from God like a frightened child and didn't look back for years.)

Aikido, for those of you who are unfamiliar with the art, is entirely defensive - that is, there is no sparring, no competitions, or tournaments etc. You typically practice daily for ten years before you achieve the rank of "serious student" otherwise referred to as "black belt." I liked the art but after a number of years I started a family and wanted to be a father to my children more than I wanted to be a martial artist.

The greatest danger in the art isn't that you are going to start worshipping demons - it is that you are going to use the time God has given you for vain pursuits. When I got out of it, I didn't miss it. I do, from time to time, wish I was as fit now as I was then - but that is as far as it goes.

One day when I was training however, I recall that one of the deacons in the church approached me about it. He suggested that as a Christian my duty was to "turn the other cheek" - and that the study of martial arts was therefore anti-Christian. I marveled at his presumption, and was more than baffled by his apparent ignorance, and obviously ill-informed bias. I tried to explain one can use martial arts to blend with an attack so as to render it harmless to yourself - that is, unlike the movies, the point of self defense is not to put the other guy in the hospital, but to control an aggressor. I explained that if a Jew was allowed to pull a cow out of a hole on the Sabbath, surely I was allowed to intercede if someone were to attack my children! I reasoned, and continue to reason, that "turning the other cheek" does not translate "do not defend yourself or others." I don't even think it refers to violence - but rather to the receiving on a personal insult.

I was pretty upset by this man's assumptions (not to mention his theology ;-) ), yet I understood that he simply hadn't really thought it through, and was making some pretty rash deductions about my character and martial arts in general. I sure hope this doesn't turn into something like that.


Daniel van de Laar

 2005/7/21 14:32Profile

Joined: 2005/2/16
Posts: 239
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada


After some reflection, I would add this - there was a spiritual element to Aikido - my sensei never taught it to us (having rejected it himself) - but some of the things we were expected to do (in particular bowing down to the kamiza- a little shrine) grated against my spirit, and eventually I had to tell my sensei that I could not in God conscience before God continue to bow down (even if it was just a form of respect in Japanese culture) to a shrine set up to give a man honor. I stopped doing it altogether in the last year that I trained - my sensei didn't force me to bow - having respected my convictions. I mention that in case the impression I was giving was that there is absolutely no danger in studying a martial art, I hope this correction goes some way to compensate for any such impression given.

I would have a hard time training again - even if I had the time.


Daniel van de Laar

 2005/7/21 17:31Profile

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