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Joined: 2019/10/5
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 2021/2/9 13:09Profile

Joined: 2011/10/21
Posts: 2009
Dothan, Alabama

 Re: Meena Harris tweets on persecution of minority religions in India

Stating that God can use things intended for evil for good is not the same as promoting evil (globalism) in the name of good...
that’s like saying my house is on fire so let’s pour gas on it so I can get the full insurance claim 😳


 2021/2/9 15:12Profile

Joined: 2011/8/20
Posts: 1953



Stating that God can use things intended for evil for good is not the same as promoting evil (globalism) in the name of good...
that’s like saying my house is on fire so let’s pour gas on it so I can get the full insurance claim

Nationalists are also evil. Every system that comes from unregenerated men is equally evil. I do not believe a Christian can be a nationalist or patriotic. Even to be proud about the nation of our birth is equally evil. Most Christians in the USA do not even realize this evil. I was raised with a lot of nationalistic feelings but when I came to Christ, I realized those are evil.

Globalism has many advantages, in fact when Christ comes it will be only one kingdom and one rule. If a Christian cannot support globalism then he cannot support nationalism as well as all those who want to make one nation great on this earth! Both are not the spirit of Christ.

A Christian can see how he can advance the kingdom of God under both these and use it for the glory of God.

I am neither for nationalism nor globalism but I can see how under both we can find a way to advance the kingdom of God.


 2021/2/9 18:47Profile

Joined: 2011/10/21
Posts: 2009
Dothan, Alabama


Thank you for clarifying your position as it surely helps prevent misunderstandings. Yours is an interesting position and if you’ll indulge me I’d very much appreciate being able to inquire further :)

I understand and appreciate your expounding a bit on the nature (fallen) of duality within all earthly systems. The same could be applied to blm/patriots
antifa/proudboys - I believe you are saying that ultimately these are but two sides of the same (evil/fallen) coin? and that true freedom comes by faith alone in Christ alone, not by any earthy man made system of organization.

Yet, did not our Father establish, preserve, defend, chasten, etc... the Nation of Israel ?
Not just a people but even a place with boarders drawn by the hand of God to distinguish it as a separate Nation unto Himself ?

Are you suggesting that the Lord is quietly cheering for globalism ?
Perhaps I’m misunderstanding when I read your words regarding the “virtues” to it 🤷🏽‍♂️

In any case the scriptures declare from beginning to end that the God of the Bible is not neutral, but exclusively intentional towards the end He seeks...


 2021/2/9 21:27Profile

Joined: 2011/8/20
Posts: 1953


true freedom comes by faith alone in Christ alone, not by any earthy man made system of organization.

Yes, that is my point. Every man-made system is corrupt but has some merits to it. There is no mention in the entire Bible of people choosing their leaders by themselves, yet today democracy is the most powerful system. It surely has its own merits, but demerits as well. As lawlessness increase among people, the government they elect will also be lawless.
The best one out of all these systems is secular where the state should not care about the religion of its people. I stand for secularism, where I do not want Government to involve with my religion nor will I allow my religion to change the government. Even that comes from disadvantages or misunderstanding. Today in India many educated people think secularism is bad.


Yet, did not our Father establish, preserve, defend, chasten, etc... the Nation of Israel ?

That is under the old covenant where God chose a nation (or a tribe) out of this earth for himself. Old Covenant is now abolished.

Under the new covenant, it is Christians who are chosen out of their nations to form a holy nation of God.

1 Peter 2:9 - "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."

My faithfulness is for this holy nation that God chose me to be part of. My patriotism is for this nation not for any earthly nation. I care least on who rules the earthly nation. My only prayer is for these earthly rulers to give me the freedom to be part of my holy nation (1 Tim 2:2).


 2021/2/10 12:49Profile

Joined: 2008/8/13
Posts: 742


I guess the fear and acknowledgement of the Lord and the gospel had been a very important foundation of the USA.

But now there is open rebellion against this foundation and so much disrespect of God among the christian churches.

 2021/2/10 13:07Profile

Joined: 2011/10/21
Posts: 2009
Dothan, Alabama

 Re: brother Sree

While we may see things differently and ultimately disagree on many of these points, there is no need for me to parse them out, as we do agree on the primary point which is faith in Christ is the only answer 🙏🏻 To that end I am grateful for your willingness to indulge my questions and further clarity your position-

May the grace and mercy of the Lord be upon you and your house and may the faith of our Lord Jesus be the light upon your path 😇


 2021/2/10 20:18Profile

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