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 Astrology in the Bible

In this first mention of astrology in the Bible, God is speaking to the people of ancient pagan Babylon. Middle East archaeology has confirmed that astrology did indeed originate in the nation of Babylon, now called the country of Iraq. Cuneiform tablets have been excavated depicting horoscope charts dating from the 5th Century BC and earlier. Astrology is a divination art which teaches that the relative positioning in the sky of the Sun, Moon and planets has an influence upon individuals and upon the course of human affairs. In our modern times, just like in ancient Babylon, a growing number of people are utilizing the services of astrology consultants.

In the Book of Daniel, there is narrated a profound event in the life of Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon. The king had a very disturbing dream, and he wanted to understand its meaning. Daniel 2:2 NIV, informs us, "So the king summoned the magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers to tell him what he had dreamed."

 2021/2/4 6:02

Joined: 2010/12/7
Posts: 1527
In Christ

 Re: Astrology in the Bible

Daniel answered in the presence of the king, and said, “The secret which the king has demanded, the wise men, the astrologers, the magicians, and the soothsayers cannot declare to the king. But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets, and He has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will be in the latter days... " Daniel 2:27,28

“When you come into the land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominable practices of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord. And because of these abominations the Lord your God is driving them out before you."

Deuteronomy 18:9-12

SI Moderator - Brandy Gordon

 2021/2/4 8:44Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: Astrology in the Bible

A. Astrology Is False Prophecy.
By definition, astrology attempts to predict the future. Are its predictions accurate?
Astrology is unreliable.
Daniel 4:7; (2:10,11; 5:7,8) - On three occasions astrologers and other occult experts were asked to predict the future. Each time they failed, but Daniel succeeded by God's power.
[Note: "Enchanters" in ASV = "astrologers" in KJV. "Chaldeans" in ASV is "astrologers" in NIV.]
God forbids His people to place serious confidence in astrology.
Deuteronomy 18:9-14,18-22 - Occult practices, including divination, are an abomination to God. V14 specifically forbids listening to diviners. "Divining" is attempting to predict the future by occult or mystical methods. But astrology is part of the occult and attempts to predict the future. So by definition, astrology constitutes occult divination, which God forbids (note again the Britannica definition above).
Vv 21,22 - If one claims to know the future, but his predictions do not come true, do not fear him! The Bible shows that astrologers cannot predict the future with certainty, and most astrologers will admit their predictions are often incorrect.
2 Kings 17:16-18 - God destroyed Israel for practicing idolatry, worshiping "the host of heaven" (stars and planets), using "divination" [ASV; cf. "witchcraft and soothsaying" in NKJV], and other occult practices.
Jeremiah 10:2 - God's people were expressly forbidden to be concerned about the "signs of heaven," that heathen people trusted in. This clearly includes astrology. God's people were not to learn their ways!
The Old Testament clearly says that the future cannot be predicted accurately by the stars. If it could not be done then, it cannot be done now. To place trust in such methods is to learn the ways of the heathen, which is just as wrong now as it was then.
[Ezek. 21:21; 12:24; 13:6-9,23; 21:29; 22:28; Isaiah 44:24,25; Acts 16:16-19; Jer. 27:9,10; 14:14; Mic. 3:6-11; Zech. 10:2]
B. Astrology Is a False Standard of Guidance.
Astrology attempts to advise people how to act, based on the position of the stars, etc. So people "trust their lucky stars" and "thank their lucky stars." They seek guidance from some Occult source other than God.
Isaiah 47:13,14 - Babylon originated astrology. God promised to destroy Babylon, then asked what the astrologers, stargazers, and monthly prognosticators would do to stop Him. All these were involved in astrology, but they were powerless against God.
Daniel 1:19,20 - Daniel and friends were ten times better in giving wisdom and guidance than all the Babylonian magicians and astrologers ["enchanters" - ASV].
Deuteronomy 18:15,18-20 - Having forbidden the occult (including astrology) (vv 9-14), God predicted a spokesman like Moses whom we should listen to. This refers to Jesus (Acts 3:22,23). One who speaks differently from His message should die.
The teachings of Jesus provide all things that pertain to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3) and every good work (2 Timothy 3:16,17). What do we need astrology for? Bible writers reveal true wisdom to guide your life. Astrologers may occasionally guess right, but the Bible is always right. Yet some people will read their horoscope everyday, but will go days without opening the Bible!
The sun, moon, and stars are lifeless, unintelligent objects. They can no more tell what your future holds or how to live you life than a rock or mud puddle can! If you want real wisdom, go to the all-wise, all-powerful Creator who made the sun, moon, and stars!
[Prov. 3:5,6; Acts 17:28; Matt. 11:28; 6:25-34; Rom. 8:28]
C. Astrology Is a Form of Idolatry.
Astrology originally involved direct worship of heavenly bodies.
Deuteronomy 4:15-19 - God warns His people not to worship idols, including the sun, moon, and stars - called the "host of heaven."
2 Kings 21:1-3 - The evil king Manasseh practiced idolatry, worshiped the host of heaven, and otherwise participated in the Occult (v6).
2 Kings 23:5 - When Josiah became king, he removed idolatry, including worship of the sun, moon, the constellations, and host of heaven. "Constellations" (NKJV) = "the Zodiac" (NKJV footnote; cf. Gesenius) or the "12 signs" (ASV footnote).
Astrology from its very beginning was a form of idolatry forbidden by God.
[Deuteronomy 17:2-5; Amos 5:25,26; Acts 7:42,43; Deut. 13:1-5; Jer. 19:13; Zeph. 1:5]
Astrology today still substitutes heavenly bodies for God.
It is possible to practice idolatry without intentionally performing worship rituals. Coveting, for example, is idolatry (Eph. 5:5; Col. 3:5). Idolatry is anything that puts created things in the position that only God should occupy.
The Bible teaches that no one but God can predict our future lives.
James 4:14 - Man does not know what will happen tomorrow.
Proverbs 27:1 - You don't know what a day may bring forth.
Daniel 2:27,28 - Astrologers could not interpret Nebuchadnezzar's dream (a prediction of the future), but God could do so.
Isaiah 41:21-23; 42:8,9 - God rests His claim to Deity on His ability to predict the future. He challenges idols to prove they are gods by telling the future.
If we believe the God of the Bible is the only true God, then we must conclude that stars cannot predict the future. To believe that stars can predict the future is to claim they have the power of gods! It puts the stars in place of God and gives the glory of God to others. Intentionally or not, that is a form of idolatry, which God forbids.
The Bible teaches that only God can give rules for moral and spiritual guidance of our lives.
Isaiah 8:19,20 - Do not seek occult teachers, but seek God. Where do you find His will? In the law and the testimony. When people teach us to seek spiritual guidance from sources other than God's word (as the occult does), there is no light in them.
Galatians 1:8,9 - Anyone who preaches a different gospel - a different spiritual source of guidance for our lives - is accursed. Why? Because they have assumed a position that only God can occupy.
"Astrology has evolved from the crude, ... superstitious worship of the planets to the present sophisticated, ... superstitious worship of the planets" - Raymond Harris.
Divine revelation is complete in Scripture (2 Tim. 3:16,17). Anytime we exalt a creature to a position only God can rightly occupy, we are guilty of idolatry.
[Isaiah 55:8,9; Rom. 1:25]


SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2021/2/4 8:46Profile

Joined: 2011/8/20
Posts: 1953

 Re: Astrology in the Bible

This is a very good topic, I wanted to post on this for some time. Many Christians think that all predictions if gone true should be prophesy. This is not true. Astrology existed long before and it is 100% true when done right. As a Hindu, I was closely associated with astrology, my own father knew it to great extent. I had a school teacher who was a professional astrologer and his forefathers were also. He was an expert in it. He would freely predict the future of us in the school based on our birth date and time. Things he said about me have come true. When I was a Hindu, I did nothing important without checking the astrological signs, that is how I was raised by my parents.

I now, do not follow any of them. They are pure evil, but they do right predictions when done by the real astrologers. Today there is a lot of fake ones. But the real one does exist and it is true, I have no doubt.

It is for this reason that prophesies about who will win the election etc, do not impress me. These cheap predictions are made with 100% success by real astrologers in India. So are they prophets then if they use the name of Christ in the end? Not at all.

Instead of listening to such predictions, we should look for a prophet who can share a word that exposes the sin in us and also puts our motives clearly. Such is a true prophecy. If we look for a prophet like that then we will not be deceived. Demons cannot judge our motives and intentions of our hearts. They cannot turn us towards God in repentance. These things can be done only by the true spirit of God working through a prophetic word. To me this is a great miracle that only the true living God can do.

When I stepped into a Church in the USA as an unbeliever, this is what happened to me, my intentions and motives of Heart were disclosed by a prophetic word. Had the prophet instead predicted my future and even if it comes true, it would not have meant any more to me than a Christian astrologer! But salvation comes from real prophetic words, not by these worthless predictions of the future.

1 Cor 14-24:- 24 But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or an [k]outsider enters, he is convicted by all, he is called to account by all; 25 the secrets of his heart are disclosed; and so he will fall on his face and worship God, declaring that God is certainly among you.


 2021/2/4 9:54Profile

Joined: 2016/3/9
Posts: 312


"Astrology Is False Prophecy"

Much needed warning as people search more and more for something to guide them in the times we have walked into. Repentance and turning to Christ in Faith is the direction one needs to act and focuse on. Then being filled with the Holy Spirit who will always direct us Christ-ward. Using the Word of God with the Holy Spirit's direction together. This requires seeking and listening, trusting God for direction and guidance. We will not find trustworthy guidance within the things of the world (added). God has warned us.

"Instead of listening to such predictions, we should look for a prophet who can share a word that exposes the sin in us and also puts our motives clearly. Such is a true prophecy. If we look for a prophet like that then we will not be deceived. Demons... cannot turn us towards God in repentance. These things can be done only by the true spirit of God working through a prophetic word. To me this is a great miracle that only the true living God can do."

"When I stepped into a Church in the USA as an unbeliever, this is what happened to me, my intentions and motives of Heart were disclosed by a prophetic word. Had the prophet instead predicted my future and even if it comes true, it would not have meant any more to me than a Christian astrologer! But salvation comes from real prophetic words, not by these worthless predictions of the future."

1 Cor 14-24:- 24 "But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or an outsider enters, he is convicted by all, he is called to account by all; the secrets of his heart are disclosed; and so he will fall on his face and worship God, declaring that God is certainly among you."

Amen Sree

Billy Witt

 2021/2/4 11:43Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650


Weren’t the magi astrologers?

Sree- just so I understand your post, are you saying astrology is a “true” science? I find it hard to believe you are saying this so wanted to double check.


 2021/2/4 13:11Profile

Joined: 2011/8/20
Posts: 1953


Sree- just so I understand your post, are you saying astrology is a “true” science? I find it hard to believe you are saying this so wanted to double-check.

Modern-day Hindus think that everything in Hinduism is connected to science. The same is with Islam as well. They try to validate their faith using scientific arguments.

I do not believe it is a complete science, even though it has astronomy and complex mathematics behind it. There is also some demonic power behind it like how brother Greg has pointed out here. It is part of idol worship and worshipping heavenly objects as divine. It is a combination of demonic power and astronomy and mathematics. There are many true predictions made using astrology. It is not totally wrong. I have witnessed so many true predictions and even altering future events using astrology.

Satan is defeated on the cross and his powers towards us believing Christians are taken away but he still has his gifts and rules over the world. Many of these predictions are done by his authority over this world.

On a funny note, after I came to Christ, my relatives sought an astrologer to find out how and when I will come out of my faith. It seems the astrologer told them that I was surrounded by evil influencing forces and the only way to take me out of this belief is to separate me from the factors influencing me. To some extent, it sounded to me like Satan's global strategy to separate Christians from fellowship with others.

I thank God for His Church and the fellowship of believers that he has given me.


 2021/2/4 13:26Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650


Sree wrote:
//There are many true predictions made using astrology. It is not totally wrong. I have witnessed so many true predictions and even altering future events using astrology. //

This raises interesting questions. If true, who is making the prediction that comes true? A demon?

Do demons know the future? Or God alone? If demons don’t know the future, how can they assist an astrologer in predicting it?

My default position is that demons don’t know the future. They may be wise and able to make decent guesses, but I don’t believe they know today what I will do tomorrow. It is the default Christian position that God can know this, but I think it is going too far to suggest a demon has this same ability.


 2021/2/4 15:44Profile

Joined: 2016/3/9
Posts: 312


TMK we have Acts 16:16, and Sauls account within the Old Testament, 1 Samuel 28:3-25 To peer into that a bit. Demons have been given power, however God certainly has put limits on it. I’m certain there are more, but that’s the two that came to my mind.

Billy Witt

 2021/2/4 16:15Profile

Joined: 2011/8/20
Posts: 1953



TMK we have Acts 16:16, and Sauls account within the Old Testament, 1 Samuel 28:3-25 To peer into that a bit. Demons have been given power, however God certainly has put limits on it. I’m certain there are more, but that’s the two that came to my mind.

Yes, that is my point here.

Jesus himself called Satan, the ruler of this world. Also, Satan told Jesus that he has the authority to give power and riches to whoever he wanted. I have the authority in my home to give my children whatever gift my kids want. I can tell them with good confidence that next week you will receive this gift. With 99% confidence, it will happen, unless something strange happens to me or my family. So Satan too with his gifts and authority over this world, can predict the future of the people of this world. He can easily tell whom he is going to make the ruler by winning the election.

But God still controls the universe, he has power even over Satan.


 2021/2/4 17:43Profile

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