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 The Power Of Weeping by Michael Youssef

The Power Of Weeping by Michael Youssef

Scripture(s): Jeremiah 9:1
Description: Michael Youssef shares this powerful sermon at the 2007 National Broadcasters Association. There is a deep burden and weeping over the state of America and Evangelism in this message. Oh that we would hear it all with "ears that can hear" what the Spirit is saying to the Churches. This is a urgent appeal from the heart of God over the declension and need of a genuine biblical revival in our generation.


Fueled by the HOLY SPIRIT

Love the passion of this plea! Stirred my heart, deepened my convictions, rebuked me and drives me to live and tell the gospel to everyone who will hear me. O Lord that this passion and conviction would come upon all who call upon your name! Lord pour out your holy fire upon us and consume us with your love.

Very Powerful
This is a very powerful message. I wish everyone seating in a Church pew would hear this. There is way to many people setting on the Church pews that are listening to false preachers and on their way to hell. We all need to shake the world and try and wake them up before it is to late.

He laments
He abandons himself to sorrow in consideration of the calamitous condition of his people, which he sadly laments, a one that preferred Jerusalem before his chief joy and her grievances before his chief sorrows.

Lord bring me to reality
Reality is what this man speaks. The truth. Sometimes we just need someone to take a stand for what is truly the right thing to do. Even if done alone. This person has brought insite to me and what the Spirit of God is saying (confrimation)- to me and to all of us. More prayer is needed. And insight that our prayers are helpful and yours - mine - prayers do help and are much needed. I have given up to small amounts of prayer because I had held the thought mine were not good enough to fight the big problems in this world. Now I will run as I am able to join the few who labor. I'm just a student - child of God through Jesus Christ .

the power or weeping
this is a very simple, clear and direct message. if only the church would get on its knees, bow their hearts and head before our GOD, call out for forgiveness and mercy, then we will see the glorious hand of GOD moving. i have listened to this before and will listen to it again and again. we need to ask GOD to break our hearts of stone.

So True
This is a message that needs to be heard, how true if the trumpet is not sounded properly, how can the people respond. Christ is building a remnant, He is stirring people up for His glory. Alot of people are hungry for the true Word of God & are waking up from their slumber. How true that we need to be faithful to Him alone, one day we will all stand at the judgement seat of Christ.

truly a message of weeping
This truly was a message of weeping. It made you weep. The state of the Church makes you weep. And the message made your heart desperate to see God move in His way, in His church for His glory. God, help us to seek You for Your glory alone.

Powerful and Moving!
Oh how this message brought me to tears. There is such a divine reality in this message it will touch your heart if it has not been hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. Oh God send revival bring a humbling amongst the leaders of this land. Oh God COME CRASHING down upon us!

 2021/1/30 6:32Profile

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